Stéphanos II Ghattas

Stéphanos II Ghattas

Stéphanos II Cardinal Ghattas, CM (Cheick Zein-el-Dine, Egypt January 16, 1920) is the Patriarch Emeritus of Alexandria for the Coptic Catholic Church. He joined the Congregation of the Mission in Paris in 1944 and was ordained on March 25, 1944 in Rome. He worked in the missions in Lebanon and Egypt for 15 years. He was appointed bishop of Luqsor of the Copts May 8, 1967 and consecrated as bishop on June 9, 1967 in Alexandria by Cardinal Stéphanos I Sidarous, patriarch of Alexandria of the Copts. He was elected patriarch himself on June 8, 1986. Pope John Paul granted him the "ecclesiastica communio" on June 23, 1986, and created him a Cardinal in 2001. He retired from the patriarchal office in March 2006, and his successor, Mons. Antonios Naguib was elected on 30 March 2006. []

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* [ Cardinal Ghattas]

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