Transfer of training

Transfer of training

; It refers to knowledge or abilities acquired in one area that helps problem solving or knowledge acquisition in other areas.

Holding (1991) says that "transfer of training occurs whenever the effects of prior learning influence the performance of a later activity" (in [ "Training for Performance"] Morrison, J. (Ed p. 93 )). The degree to which trainees successfully apply in their jobs the skills gained in training situations, is considered "positive transfer of training" (Baldwin & Ford, 1980).

It is important to understand that transfer of training holds somewhat different means in different disciplines of psychology. Holding's definition reflects a cognitive psychology perspective. A cognitive psychologist might be interested in how the semantic similarity of word pairs in one list affects time to learn on a second list (the transfer task). From this perspective, the original learning task and the "later activity" look very much alike.

Baldwin and Ford's definition reflects an Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychology perspective. An I/O psychologist might be interested in how trainees' motivation to transfer is related to later job performance. The training domain (e.g., a web-based training program) might be very different than the later "activity" domain (e.g., job performance).

Transfer of training is based on the Theory of Transfer of learning

There are three types of Transfer of Training :- 1. Positive Transfer2. Negative Transfer 3. Zero Transfer

1. Positive Transfer- This is when prior learning or training facilitates acquiring a new skill or reaching the solution to a new problem. In this situation the individual performs better than he would have without the prior training.

2. Negative Transfer - This is when prior learning or training hinders acquiring a new skill or reaching the solution to a new problem. In this situation the individual performs worse that he would have had he not been exposed to the prior training.

3. Zero Transfer- In this situation acquiring a new skill or reaching the solution of a new problem is neither enhanced or hindered due to past experience or training.

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