Elio Gaspari

Elio Gaspari

Elio Gaspari (Naples, Italy, 1944) is a Brazilian journalist and writer resident in São Paulo, Brazil. He came to Brazil while still an infant, and began his career in journalism not long after. He is well known for his political opinion column in the Folha de São Paulo newspaper, which is syndicated to many other newspapers, and for his most recent work, an authoritative historical account of the Brazilian military dictatorship in four volumes.


* "A Ditadura Envergonhada", Vol. 1
* "A Ditadura Escancarada", Vol. 2
* "A Ditadura Derrotada", Vol. 3
* "A Ditadura Encurralada", Vol. 4

External links

* [http://educaterra.terra.com.br/almanaque/gaspari/index_gaspari.htm Elio Gaspari's columns archive] . Almanaque.

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