- Percival Farqhuar
Percival Farquhar (
York, Pennsylvania , 1864 —New York ,August 4 ,1953 ) was an Americanbusinessman , whose dealings inLatin America are the subject of constant criticism.Born to a wealthy Pennsylvania
Quaker family, Farquhar studiedengineering atYale University .He was vice-president of the
Atlantic Coast Electric Railway Co. and theStaten Island Electric Railway Co. , which controlled rail services in New York. He was also partner and director of the "Compañía de Electricidad deCuba " and partner and vice-president of theGuatemala Railway .He developed businesses in
Cuba andCentral America . He owned railways and mines in Russia and dealt personally withLenin .Visionary?
Farqhuar's dream was to control all the railways of Latin America [http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?_r=1&res=9B07E7DB1F3CE633A25751C2A96F9C946396D6CF&oref=slogin "Two New Yorkers Try To Harrimanize South America, The New York Times, 22 de setembro de 1912] ] , in a version of
Manifest Destiny .Visionary, controversial, and audacious, Farquhar became the greatest private investor in Brazil between 1905 and 1918. According to the writer and former minister
Ronaldo Costa Couto , his empire was comparable to those of CountFrancisco Matarazzo andIrineu Evangelista de Souza , The Viscount of Mauá.The writing on Farquhar is full of contradictions, making it very difficult to sort through the legend, hagiography, and libel found in his biographies
Francisco Foot Hardman ref|8 in an interview with the paperO Estado de S. Paulo , stated::"One can't say that Farquhar was Satan, but we also cannot take an apologist stance, making him into a great icon of entrepreneurship.We was a typical example of old international capitalism.". ref|9
A book which exalts his deeds--with a few passages that border on hagiography ref|26 - is "The Last Titan - An American Entrepreneur in LAtin America" ref|2 - a dissertation by Charles A. Gauld for
Stanford University , under the supervision of Professor Ronald Hilton ref|10.The magazine "Exame" ref|3, in a review of the book, said: :"Although his admiration of this character is excessive, always treating him as an enlightened capitalist and full of good intentions, Charles Gauld drew from an extraordinary variety of documents and sources...".
In contrast, the Brazilian historian
Edgard Carone , in his book "A República Velha" (The Old Republic) ref|4 says that Farqhuar's businesses "lived off government favors".In the book "Chatô - O Rei do Brasil" (Chatô - The King of Brazil) ref|5 , the journalist
Fernando Morais describes Farqhuar as: :"king of theRio Light , theCompanhia Telefônica Brasileira and a large number of railways in Brazil, tracks inRussia and coal mines inCentral Europe , in addition to sugar mills inCuba ".It is true that he built and directed numerous businesses in Latin America, many of them in Brazil. His activities were frequently related to governmental concessions and privileges - and to guarantees that governments would receive revenues from the capital invested - which he ably obtained from young and inexperienced local governments, frequently through personal bribery.
A bold and fearless financier, with great experience in the European capital markets, Farqhuar considered himself "able to finance anything". According to Gauld, Farquhar "was hungrier for land than anyone in Latin American history since the time of the Incas" ref|2.
The beginning of the
First World War in 1914, cut off his main source of resources and financing, and left Farqhuar's already precarious empire - which had created the practicing of issuing debt based on debt - extremely indebted, causing it to crumble. His businesses reached bankruptcy by October 1914. His investors lost all of their capital, and Farquhar was ruined. Despite this setback, he would rise again after the war using the same tactics, to fail again after the 1929 stock market crash. After the revolution of 1930, the government ofGetúlio Vargas constrained the areas in which he could work, and Farqhuar decided to leave Brazil.Although the dimensions and scope of his economic activity are impressive due to the large sums of money involved and the fervor of his apparently charitable activities, a more detailed examination of Farqhuar's businesses in Brazil shows that they frequently led to the deaths of thousands of native people, the ecological destruction of entire states ref|11, abandoned railways, bankruptcies, and even civil wars.
Charles A. Gauld ref|27 writes: :"The genius of Farquhar lay more in his vision and capacity to raise money to expand then in the efficient management or cost control in his 38 businesses." (p. 301)
An avid speculator, he bet especially strongly on his own
corporate paper . At the beginning of 1913, Farqhuar came to realize that he was bankrupt.Farquhar had a great ability to get himself into trouble with governments and nationalist groups. But the dislike that he provoked was not totally baseless ref|23.
Determined and capable in the promotion of his own self image, he always made an effort to make the press portray his actions as "the example of a highly successful American capitalist, a true icon of American entrepreneurship", a fact which gained him a few admirers.
Among these were
Assis Chateaubriand , "King of Brasil", who became the owner of the country's largest journalism network. This friendship greatly contributed to favorable reactions to Farqhuar's activities. (Chateaubriand later became bought "O Jornal", in 1924, using funds provided by Farqhuar, supposedly as legal fees.)Progress yes, but with concessions
Percival Farquhar believed that no country in the world could become developed without good hotels and fine cuisine.
To fill these needs in Brazil at the beginning of the 20th century, Farqhuar built in
São Paulo the elegant "Rotisserie Sportsman" and imported from the famous Elisée Palace Hotel inParis the chef Henri Galon, Fernando de Morais tells us in his book "Chatô - O Rei do Brasil" (Chatô - The King of Brazil) ref|21.Grand Hôtel de la Plage
In 1911, Farqhuar purchased from the firm Prado, Chaves & Cia control over the Companhia Balneária de Santo Amaro, founded in 1892 which under the direction of Councillor Antonio Prado had been created to organize a tourist beach resort in the place that is today the center of
Guarujá . Farquhar's new business was called Companhia Guarujá.Bibliography
*GAULD, Charles. "Farquhar, o último titã: um empreendedor americano na América Latina". São Paulo: Editora de Cultura, 2006. Tradução Eliana do Vale.*FAORO, Raymundo. "Os Donos do Poder", volume 2. Ed. Globo: São Paulo, 1998 (13ª edição)
*FERREIRA, Manoel Rodrigues. "A Ferrovia do Diabo". Ed. Melhoramentos: São Paulo, 1959 e 2005.
In the bibliography
*ALVES Ivan. "O Contestado. Estados, posseiros, companhias – todos brigam pela terra". Coleção "Os grandes enigmas de nossa história". Otto Pierre Editores: Rio de Janeiro,1982
*ARAÚJO NETO, Adalberto Coutinho de. "A experiência sindical dos ferroviários da E. F. Sorocabana nos anos 1930".Tese de Mestrado, Departamento de História da Faculdade de Letras, Filosofia e Ciências Humanas daUSP , São Paulo, 2006
*frBROMBERGER, H. A. "Les chemins de fer exotiques...". Paris, édition du "Moniteur économique et financier", 1913
*CARONE, Edgar. "A República Velha". Editora Bertrand Brasil: São Paulo, 1ª Edição.
*GASPARI, Hélio. "Grande retrato do rei da privataria"Folha de S. Paulo : São Paulo, 9 de Agosto de 2006.
*GAULD, Charles. "FARQUHAR - O Último Titã - Um Empreendedor Americano na América Latina". Editora de Cultura: São Paulo, 2006
* HARDMAN, Francisco Foot é professor na Universidade Estadual de Campinas e autor do livro "Trem Fantasma - Ferrovia Madeira-Mamoré e a modernidade na selva". Cia das Letras: São Paulo, 2004, 2ª Ed.
* HILTON, Ronald, Prof. é um "Fellow" do "Hoover Institute" naUniversidade de Stanford e "Chairman" da "World Association of International Studies".
*MACHADO, Paulo Pinheiro. "Lideranças do Contestado". Editora Unicamp / FAPESP
*HIRST, Mônica. "História da Diplomacia Brasileira - A Era Vargas", Ministério das Relações Exteriores.
*MOLINA, Matías M. "O magnata que se tornou mito". Revista Exame, Editora Abril: São Paulo, 02.11.2006
* MORAIS, Fernando. "Chatô - O Rei do Brasil". Cia das Letras: São Paulo, 1994, 13ª edição
* [http://www.lpp-uerj.net/outrobrasil/Docs/1952006152647_Analise_Ceci_Mai06.doc Os caçadores de concessões no Brasil e o fantasma de Percival Farquhar; Ceci Vieira Juruá ]
* TEICH, Daniel Hessel. "Percival Farquhar, o internacionalista - Milionário americano negociava até comLenin , o líder daRevolução Russa ". inO Estado de S. Paulo , "Caderno de Economia" p. B9, Três Barras - SC, 6 de Março de 2005.
* TEICH, Daniel Hessel. "50 Milhões de Árvores nos Vagões da ferrovia - Maior serraria daAmerica do Sul derrubou grande parte da floresta de araucárias". inO Estado de S. Paulo , "Caderno de Economia" p. B9, Três Barras - SC, 6 de Março de 2005.External links
* [http://www.histedbr.fae.unicamp.br/img1_16.pdf A Ferrovia do Contestado]
* [http://br.geocities.com/joatan74/sc/contestado.html#Brazil%20Railway%20Company História de Santa Catarina]
* [http://www.sc.gov.br/portalturismo/Default.asp?CodMunicipio=312&Pag=2 Governo de Santa Catarina - Site Oficial do Município de Três Barras]
* [http://www.ifch.unicamp.br/mundosdotrabalho/arquivos/coutinho.pdf Entre a Revolução e o Corporativismo]Notes
Hagiografia: biografia ou estudo sobre biografia de santos. Por extensão de sentido, biografia excessivamente elogiosa.
External links
* [http://www.linearclipping.com.br/rbrasil/detalhe.asp?codnot=82839 Grande retrato do rei da privataria (Elio Gaspari )Folha de S. Paulo , 9 de Agosto de 2006]* [http://www.cvrd.com.br/cvrd/cgi/cgilua.exe/sys/start.htm?sid=10 "A História da Vale ] ".
* [http://www.geocities.com/area51/realm/7805/efmm-percival.htm Biografia de Percival Farquhar]
* [http://portalexame.abril.com.br/revista/exame/edicoes/0880/gestaoepessoas/m0115470.html O magnata que se tornou mito]
* [http://epaper.estado.com.br/ O Estado de S. Paulo - Edições Eletrônicas]
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