Bruno Beltrão

Bruno Beltrão

'Bruno Beltrão"' (born 1979 in Niteroi) is a brasillian choreographer who became known for his work with the Grupo de Rua de Niteroi. Not interested in demonstrating hazardous acrobatic scope, he uses the street dance language in the context of conceptual theatre and tries to find a theatrical credibiity for hip hop. He started his career as a hip-hop dancer at the age of 13 in his native town of [Niterói, near Rio de Janeiro. At 16, he and Rodrigo Bernardi founded their own company, and at the age of 20 he turned to contemporary dance. Today he is 29 years old, with dance studies behind him and philosophy studies in front of him, but street dance remains his dominant expression. Since childhood, he wanted to direct movies and was fascinated by the development of film technologies, 3D manipulations and all the facets of the medial estrangement of reality. But dance was never enough for him. He used it, combined with other techniques, to touch determining levels of social reality. He approaches his choreographies to philosophic approaches of reality. Analyses, phenomenological approach, categorization, synthesis, deduction, systematization of ideas, all these procedures are visible in the seemingly different starting points of this choreographer.


* From popping to pop or vice-versa (2001)
* Me and my choreographer in 63 (2001)
* Too legit to quit (2002)
* Telesquat (2003)
* H2 (2005)
* H3 (2008)


Bruno Beltrao’s choreography and his companies’ performances have won:

*10 best choreographies of the year - O GLOBO Newspaper "Me and my choreographer in 63" (2001)

*Personagem da Dança O GLOBO Newspaper (2002)

*10 best choreographies of the year - O GLOBO Newspaper "Telesquat" (2003)

*Prêmio Cultura nota 10 Governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (2004),

*"Upcoming Choreographer of the Year" Balletanz Magazine (2005)

*10 best choreographies of the year - O GLOBO Newspaper "H2" (2005)

Grupo de Rua's performances


Kunsten Festival des Arts - Raffinerie, Brussels - BelgiumHAU 2, Berlin - AlemanhaFestival Internacional de Castilla y Leon, Salamanca - EspanhaTheatre de La Ville de Luxemburgo - Luxemburgo


Arsenal - Grande Salle, Metz - FranceLe Lieu Unique.Scène Nationale de Nantes, Nantes - FranceLe Fanal, St. Nazaire - FranceFestival Tendances, St. Medard en Jalles - FranceScène Nationale du Manège, La Roche - FranceLe Maillon, Strasbourg - FranceChampigny-sur-Marne / Théâtre Gérard Philipe, Champigny - FranceLe Manège de Reims, Reims - FranceScène Nationale de Petit Quevilly, Petit Quevilly - France


Aniversario do Teatro Nelson Rodrigues, Rio de Janeiro - BrasilFestival Alkantara, Lisboa - PortugalFestival Internacional de Castilla y Leon, Salamanca - EspanhaFestival Internacional de Edimburgo, Edimburgo - EscóciaSESC Pinheiros, São Paulo - Brasil Festival Internacional do Recife, Recife - Brasil


Springdance Festival, Utrecht - HolandaTanzHaus, Dusseldorf - AlemanhaHebbel Theater, Berlin - AlemanhaKunsten Festival des Arts, Bruxelas - BelgicaWiener Festwoche, Viena - ÁustriaFestival Equilibrio, Roma - ItaliaScene Nationale, Petit Quevilly - FrancaLe Vivat, Armentieres - FrancaScene Nationale, Dieppe - FrancaDanse a Aix Macadam, Aix en Provence - FrancaLa Passarelle, Gap - FrancaLa Bastille, Paris - FrancaTheatre Duchamp Villon, Rouen - FrancaTheatre de L’Olivier, Istres - FrancaLe Merlan, Marseille - FrancaTheater de Grasse, Grasse - FrancaTheatre d’Auxerre, Auxerre - FrancaLe Maillon, Pole Sud dans le cadre de Strasburg nouvelles danses, Estrasburgo - FrancaEspace Michel Carne, Saint-Michel sur Orge - FrancaEspace Albert Camus, Maurepas - FrancaFestival Serralves em Festa, Porto - PortugalFestival Eurokaz. Zagreb - CroáciaFestival URB, Kiasma Museum, Helsinke - FinlândiaFestival Internacional de Teatro, Buenos Aires - ArgentinaSeoul Performing Arts Festival, Seoul - KoréiaContemporaneo no Municipal, Teatro Municipal do RJ, BrasilFestival de Outono, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris - FrançaLa Ferme du Buisson, Paris - FrancaTheatre de Nimes, Nimes - FrancaOpera de Lille, Lille - FrancaXIV Panorama da Dança, Rio de Janeiro - Brasil


La Ferme du Buisson, Paris - FrancaKunsten Festival des Arts. Bruxelas - BelgicaRuhrfestspiele. Recklinhausen - AlemanhaFestival TanzTage, Berna - SuíçaFestival Danca em Pauta, São Paulo - BrasilFestival de Danca de Joinville, Santa Catarina - BrasilTeatro CSS, Udini - ItaliaRencontres Choreographiques de La Villete. Paris - FrancaKampnagel, Hamburgo - AlemanhaNes Theaters, Frascatti, Amsterdam - Holanda


Festival Dança Brasil, Rio de Janeiro - BrasilSpringdance, Utretch - HolandaFestival Ile Danse, Ilha de Córsega - FrançaFestival Internacional de Joinville, Joinville - Brasil Festival Tanz im August, Berlim - AlemanhaFestival Tanz Theater International, Hannover - AlemanhaFestival Klapstuk, Leuven - BelgicaYokohama Dance Summit, Yokohama - JapãoHebbel Theater, Berlin - AlemanhaFestival Opkomst, Utrecht - Holanda


Rencontres Choreographique de Seine Saint Denis, Paris - FrancaFestival Danças na Cidade, Lisboa - PortugalXI Panorama Rioarte de Dança, Rio de Janeiro - Brasil


Duos de Dança no Sesc, Rio de Janeiro - BrasilPlataforma para o Rencontres Choreographiques, Rio de Janeiro - BrasilX Panorama Rioarte de Dança, Rio de Janeiro - Brasil

External links

* [ The official website]
* [ / Videos]

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