
Publisher(s) Valdron, Inc.
Publication date 1997
Genre(s) Fantasy/Science fiction
System(s) Custom

Multiverser is a multi-genre role-playing game published by Valdron Inc. that has the player character moving from dimension to dimension with each dimension being based on varying rules of reality which determine what is possible in that dimension. Reality is governed in four skill areas, known in game terms as biases: Body, Technology, Psionics, and Magic.

  • Body refers to bio-chemistry and organics (this includes inorganic life-forms as well), defining what is possible for organic life in a given world.
  • Technology refers primarily to traditional physics and the behavior of equipment and machines.
  • Psionics or Inner Power (that is a natural ability of the being using such) refers to psychic phenomenon (from basic ESP to physically impossible acts of mind over matter).
  • Magic or Outer Power covers not just spells, but the supernatural world at large, using the explanation that the ritual of a spell (a spell being anything from a prayer to alchemy) channels expectation of the spell-caster into a desired effect.

The interactions of these biases in a particular universe determine how difficult it is for a particular action to be accomplished in that universe. The higher a particular bias, the easier related tasks are. For example, in a universe with a high Magic bias and a low Technology bias (compared with modern-day Earth, which is assumed to be the baseline), players could expect to see a world similar to medieval Europe, but with wizards and dragons running around. A moderately high Technology bias, in conjunction with a slightly higher Psionic bias could put the character into a world very similar to the TV show Firefly. Nearly any sort of universe, ranging from almost normal to bizarre beyond imagining, can be modeled with the system, allowing Referees (Multiverser's term for the person running the game, similar to a Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Master) great freedom in creating new places to take their players.

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