- Frostating
Norway was united as a kingdom (900 -1030 AD), the existinglagting s were constituted as superior regional assemblies, Frostating being one of them. These were representative assemblies at which delegates from the various districts in each region met to award legal judgments and pass laws. Frostating, arguably Norway's oldest court, had its seat at "Tinghaugen" inFrosta municipality in the county ofNord-Trøndelag , close to themediaeval church at Logtun.The first germs of democratic evolution appeared in matters of law. The ancient regional assemblies - Frostating,
Gulating andEidsivating - were eventually joined into a singlejurisdiction , and King Magnus Lagabøte had the existing body of law put into writing (1263-1280). This compilation of codified law which applied throughout the realm was exceptional for its time, and remained in force untilFrederik III , king of the Dano-Norwegianpersonal union , promulgatedabsolute monarchy in 1660. This was codified in the King Act of 1665 which functioned as the constitution of the Union ofDenmark-Norway until 1814.Frostating seal
The Frostating seal ("Frostatingseglet") shows king
Magnus Lagabøte [The seal commemorates Magnus's great effort to modernise the law-code, which gave him his epithet law-mender ("Lagabøte"). In 1274 he promulgated the new national law, a unified code of laws to apply for Norway, including theFaroe islands andShetland at the Frostating. This replaced the different regional laws which had existed before. A unified code of laws for a whole country had until then only been introduced inSicily and Castile. ] on St. John's Day 1274 seated on his throne and giving the lawman the new Frostating's law ("Frostatingsloven"). The representatives to the Thing—three deep—stand on the king's left side. The king sits in the middle on his throne with a crown on his head and a scepter in his hand, and with the Norwegian lion under his foot. Below in the seal are two bowmen; one aiming at a squirrel while the other aims at a bird. Both the squirrel and the bird sit in trees.The original of the Frostating seal {"Frostatingseglet") is the Norwegian Diplomatarium, and is found on a document dated June 1,
1453 , found in "Dipl. Norv. VIII no. 349" ."Frosta i gammel og ny tid", s. 82–83]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.