- Kinabalu giant earthworm
name = Kinabalu giant earthworm
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Annelida
classis =Clitellata
subclassis =Oligochaeta
ordo =Haplotaxida
familia =Megascolecidae
genus = "Pheretima "
species = "P. darnleiensis"
binomial = "Pheretima darnleiensis"
binomial_authority = Fletcher, 1886
synonyms =The Kinabalu giant earthworm, "Pheretima darnleiensis", is a grey-blue coloured peregrine
annelid native toMount Kinabalu ,Borneo and surrounding islands as well asNew Guinea . On Mount Kinabalu, the animal grows to a length of approximately 70 cm and lives in burrows in the soft and thick soils aroundPaka Cave shelter, at an altitude of 3,000 m above sea level. Theearthworm 's segments are encirled by numerousseta e and its skin has a greenish iridescent gloss. Amongst the Kinabalu earthworm's natural predators is another large annelid, theKinabalu giant red leech . Both animals can only be seen during or after a heavy downpouring of rain. [Blakemore, R.J., C. Csuzdi, M.T. Ito, N. Kaneko, T. Kawaguchi & M. Schilthuizen 2007. PDFlink| [http://www.mapress.com/zootaxa/2007f/z01613p044f.pdf Taxonomic status and ecology of Oriental "Pheretima darnleiensis" (Fletcher, 1886) and other earthworms (Oligochaeta : Megascolecidae) from Mt Kinabalu, Borneo.] |16.4 KiB "Zootaxa" 1613: 23–44.] Phillipps, A. & F. Liew 2000. "Globetrotter Visitor's Guide – Kinabalu Park". New Holland Publishers (UK) Ltd.]References
External links
* [http://www.endemicguides.com/Giant_Leech.htm The giant leech and giant worm in Kinabalu Park, Borneo, Malaysia]
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