Tote board

Tote board

A tote board is a large, numeric or alphanumeric display used to convey information, typically at a race track (to display the odds or payoffs for each horse) or at a telethon (to display the total amount donated to the charitable organization sponsoring the event).

The first tote boards were manufactured for the horse racing industry by the American Totalizator Company, and "tote board" is probably a colloquialism for totalizator.

A totalisator or totalizator is the name for the computerised system which runs parimutuel betting, calculating payoff odds, displaying them, and producing tickets based on incoming bets.

The first totalisator was an entirely mechanical system invented by the Australian George Julius of Julius Poole & Gibson Pty Ltd. It was installed at Ellerslie Racecourse in New Zealand in 1913 . The first totalisator installed in the United States was at Arlington Park racecourse, Chicago, in 1933 . Julius, who was later knighted, founded Automatic Totalisators Ltd. in 1917 and added electrical components. The first entirely electronic totalisator was developed in 1966. Totalisators have been superseded by general purpose computers running specialised wagering software such as Autotote.

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  • tote board — n. Informal a large board facing the grandstand at a racetrack, on which the bets, odds, and payoffs recorded by a totalizator are flashed …   English World dictionary

  • tote board — tote′ board n. inf a totalizator • Etymology: 1945–50 …   From formal English to slang

  • tote board — noun Etymology: tote (V) : a usually electrically operated board (as in the infield of a racetrack) on which betting odds are posted * * * Informal. a totalizator. [1945 50] * * * tote board, Informal. the display board of a totalizator on which… …   Useful english dictionary

  • tote board — noun Etymology: 4tote Date: circa 1949 an electrically operated board (as at a racetrack) on which pertinent information (as betting odds and race results) is posted …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • tote board — The (usually) electronic totalizator display in the infield which reflects up to the minute odds. It may also show the amounts wagered in each mutuel pool as well as information such as jockey and equipment changes, etc. Also known as the Board …   Equestrian sports dictionary

  • tote board — Informal. a totalizator. [1945 50] * * * …   Universalium

  • tote board — noun The computerised system which runs parimutuel betting, calculating payoff odds, displaying them, and producing tickets based on incoming bets. Syn: totalisator, totalizator …   Wiktionary

  • board — Short for Tote Board on which odds, betting pools and other race information are displayed …   Equestrian sports dictionary

  • Tote Ireland — Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Horse Racing Ireland, with responsibility for the operation of a Totalisator on the 25 racecourses in the Republic of Ireland. Tote Ireland is at the heart of Irish Horseracing, providing a wide variety of… …   Wikipedia

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