- Charles Robert Richet
prizes =
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (1913)Charles Robert Richet (
August 25 ,1850 –December 4 ,1935 ) was a Frenchphysiologist who initially investigated a variety of subjects such asneurochemistry ,digestion ,thermoregulation inhomeothermic animals, andbreath ing.Biography
Richet was named
professor ofphysiology at theCollège de France in 1887, and in 1898 he became a member of theAcadémie de Médecine . It was, however, his work onanaphylaxis (his term for the sometimes lethal reaction by a sensitized individual to a second, small-dose injection of anantigen ) that in 1913 won him theNobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine . This research helped elucidatehay fever ,asthma and otherallergic reaction s to foreign substances and explained some cases ofintoxication andsudden death not previously understood. In 1914 he became a member of theAcadémie des Sciences .Richet was a man of many interests, and his works include books about
history ,sociology ,philosophy ,psychology , as well astheatre plays andpoetry . He pioneeredaviation . He also had a deep interest inextrasensory perception andhypnosis . In 1884Alexander Aksakov got him interested in the mediumEusapia Palladino . In 1891 Richet founded the "Annales des sciences psychiques ". He kept in touch with renownedoccultist s andspiritist of his time such asAlbert von Schrenck-Notzing ,Frederic William Henry Myers andGabriel Delanne . In 1905 he was named president of theSociety for Psychical Research in theUnited Kingdom , and coined the terms "ectoplasm" and "metapsychics". He experimented withMarthe Béraud ,Elisabette D'Espérance ,William Eglinton andStefan Ossowiecki . He became honorary president of theInstitut Métapsychique International inParis in 1919, and full-time president in 1929.Richet's work on this para-scientific subjects, which dominated his late years, include "Traité de Métapsychique" ("Treaty of Metapsychics", 1922), "Notre Sixième Sens" ("Our Sixth Sense", 1928), "L'Avenir et la Prémonition" ("The Future and Premonition", 1931), "La grande espérance" ("The Great Hope", 1933).
External links
* [http://vlp.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/people/data?id=per131 Short biography and bibliography] in the Virtual Laboratory of the
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
* [http://vlp.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/concepts/browse?source=Richet Richet's "Dictionnaire de physiologie"] (1895-1928) as fullscan from the original
* [http://www.geocities.com/richet_charles_robert/ Charles Robert Richet photo]
* [http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/1913/richet-bio.html Charles Richet Biography on Nobel Prize website]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.