- Fernando Lopes-Graça
Fernando Lopes-Graça, GOSE, GCIH (
Tomar ,17 December 1906 - Parede deCascais ,November 27 1994 ) was a Portuguese composer of the 20th century. He worked both as a contemporary musiccomposer and as amusicologist .His major influences came from Portuguese popular music, that he studied, continuing the work of other musicologists, likeFrancisco de Lacerda .He was a member of thePortuguese Communist Party and was a strong opposer of the fascist regime of the "Estado Novo" (New State) led byAntónio Oliveira Salazar .He completed the "Dicionário de Música" (Dictionary of Music), started by his teacher,Tomás Borba , himself a composer.Chronology
* 1906: December 17th: birth in
Tomar (where he would start his piano studies).
* 1924: becomes a student at the Conservatório Nacional de Lisboa.
* 1927: becomes a student of Vianna da Motta's Classe de Virtuosidade.
* 1931: obtains the Composition Degree. In the same year he is arrested and expelled toAlpiarça .
* 1934: wins a scholarship to study inFrance , which he is later denied for political reasons.
* 1937: goes toParis , where he studies with composition and orchestration withCharles Koechlin .
* 1938: The "Maison de la Culture de Paris" commissions «La fiévre du temps» (ballet-revue). Harmonisation of traditional Portuguese songs.
* 1940: Wins the composition prize fromCírculo de Cultura Musical with his 1st Concert for Piano and Orchestra.
* 1941: receives an invitation fromTomás Borba to teach at theAcademia de Amadores de Música .
* 1942: wins a prize from Círculo de Cultura Musical for «História Trágico-Marítima» (Miguel Torga poem).
* 1944: wins, for the 3rd time, the Composition Prize from Círculo de Cultura Musical for «Sinfonia».
* 1945: integrates theMovement of Democratic Unity 's District Commission.
* 1949: integrates the jury of the International Béla Bartók Festival inBudapest .
* 1952: wins another composition prize from Círculo de Cultura Musical for his 3rd Piano Sonata.
* 1961: publishes, withMichel Giacometti , the 1st volume of theAntologia de Música Regional Portuguesa . Starts work on «In Memoriam Béla Bartók» (8 progressive suites for piano), which he will complete in 1975.
* 1969:Mstislav Rostropovich performs his Concerto da Camera (cello).
* 1973: Editora Cosmos starts the publication of «Obras Literárias» (18 volumes).
* 1974: becomes president of theComissão para a Reforma do Ensino Musical , created by the Provisional Government of the April Revolution.
* 1979: composes the «Requiem pelas vítimas do fascismo em Portugal» (Requiem for the Victims of Fascism in Portugal) for large orchestra, soloists, and choir.
* 1981: receives invitation from the Hungarian government for the celebrations of the 100th anniversary ofBéla Bartók 's birth.
* 1993: integral of his piano sonatas and sonatinas (Matosinhos ). Tribute for his 87th birthday.
* 1994: dies, at home, in the evening of November 27.Sources
* http://www.vidaslusofonas.pt/
External links
* http://www.lopes-graca.com/
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