

name = "Erithacus"

image_caption = European Robin
image_width = 250px
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Passeriformes
familia = Muscicapidae
genus = " Erithacus "
genus_authority = Cuvier, 1800
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = "E. rubecula"
"E. akahige"
"E. komadori"

"Erithacus" is a genus of small passerine birds formerly classed as members of the thrush family, but now considered to be Old World flycatchers.

The three species are:

* European Robin, "Erithacus rubecula"
** Tenerife Robin, "Erithacus (rubecula) superbus"
* Japanese Robin, "Erithacus akahige"
* Ryūkyū Robin, "Erithacus komadori"

The two Asian species were formerly considered to be members of the genus "Luscinia"; apparently, both genera need to be split and rearranged. The European species would then be the only remaining "Erithacus", whereas the East Asian species are closely related to some species from the region now classed as "Luscinia", for example the Siberian Blue Robin ("Luscinia cyane") and would form a new genus. [ cite journal | last =Seki | first =Shin-Ichi| year =2006| title =The origin of the East Asian "Erithacus" robin, "Erithacus komadori", inferred from cytochrome "b" sequence data. | journal = Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution| volume =39 | issue =3 | pages =899-905 | doi = 10.1016/j.ympev.2006.01.028]

The three species are stocky small birds with an upright stance and short frequently cocked tail. They have a plain brown back, and a red or black face and breast contrasting with whitish or grey underparts. The females of the Asian species are much duller than the males, but in the European Robin differences between the sexes are minimal and restricted to the shape of the boundary between the red and brown plumage on the forehead.

"Erithacus" robins are territorial woodland birds which build a neat cup nest in a hole or on the ground. They watch for insects, worms and other invertebrates from a low perch, and feed mostly on the ground, hopping on strong legs with frequent stops.


* Seki, Shin-ichi; Sakanishi, Masahiko; Kawaji, Noritomo; Kotaka, Nobuhiko. (2007): Phylogeography of the Ryukyu robin (Erithacus komadori): population subdivision in land-bridge islands in relation to the shift in migratory habit. Molecular Ecology 16 (1), 101113. doi|:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2006.03117.x [ Fulltext PDF]

* Svensson, Lars; Zetterström, Dan; Mullarney, Killian & Grant, P. J. (1999): "Collins bird guide". Harper & Collins, London. ISBN 0-00-219728-6

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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