intrinsicoid deflection — the sharp deflection occurring between the onset of the Q wave and the peak of the R wave in electrocardiography using indirect surface leads, such as unipolar precordial leads … Medical dictionary
deflection — 1. A moving to one side. 2. In the electrocardiogram, a deviation of the curve from the isoelectric base line; any wave or complex of the electrocardiogram. [L. de flecto, pp. flexus, to bend aside] intrinsic … Medical dictionary
R peak time — intrinsicoid deflection … Medical dictionary
interval — A time or space between two periods or objects; a break in continuity. [L. inter vallum, space between breastworks in a camp, an i., fr. vallum, a rampart, wall] a c i. the i. between the onset of the a wave and that of the c wave of the jugular… … Medical dictionary
Electrocardiography — ECG redirects here. For other uses, see ECG (disambiguation). Not to be confused with echocardiogram, electromyogram, electroencephalogram, or EEG. Electrocardiography Intervention Image showing a patient connected to the 10 electrodes necessary … Wikipedia
Electrocardiogram — An electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG, abbreviated from the German Elektrokardiogramm ) is a noninvasive transthoracic graphic produced by an electrocardiograph, which records the electrical activity of the heart over time. Its name is made of… … Wikipedia
Left ventricular hypertrophy — Classification and external resources A heart with left ventricular hypertrophy in short axis view ICD 10 I … Wikipedia
Left anterior fascicular block — is a cardiac condition which needs to be distinguished from left bundle branch block.It is caused by only the anterior half of the bundle of His being defective. It is manifest on the ECG by left axis deviation. It is much more common than left… … Wikipedia