

Reunification is the political unification of separate political entities which had previously been united.

Historical reunifications

* Bulgarian unification in 1885, after the 1396 Ottoman conquest.
* Chinese reunification (1928) or "Northeast Flag Replacement" proclaimed victory of Guangzhou/Nanjing government over Beiyang government after the 1912 division.
* German reunification in 1990, divided since the 1949 division decided at the Potsdam Conference in August 1945.
** German unification in 1866-71, divided since 1806 after the division of Holy Roman Empire.
** Anschluss (1938 Nazi reunification of "Lesser Germany" and Austria into "Greater Germany")
* Italian unification 1815-71, divided since the 6th century Ostrogoths.
* Polish reunification in 1918-22, divided since 24 October 1795.
* Vietnam at the end of the Vietnam War in 1976, divided since 1954.
* Yemenite reunification in 1990, divided since the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in 1918.
* Denmark and the northern part of South Jutland in 1920. See Schleswig Plebiscites.

Reunification movements

At various times various nationalist and irredentist movements promoted ideas of restoration or unification in various places.

See also

* Unification (disambiguation)
* political union
* territorial integrity

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  • réunification — [ reynifikasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1952; de réunifier ♦ Action de réunifier; son résultat. La réunification de l Allemagne. ● réunification nom féminin Action de réunifier ; fait d être réunifié. réunification n. f. Action de réunifier; résultat de cette… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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