Hunter Lovins

Hunter Lovins

L. Hunter Lovins ("nee" Sheldon), author and promoter of sustainable development for over 30 years, is the founder and President of [ Natural Capitalism, Inc.] and [ Natural Capitalism Solutions] , a 501(c)3 non-profit in Eldorado Springs, Colorado. A professor at Presidio School of Management's MBA in Sustainable Management program, she has taught at various universities, consulted for citizens’ groups, governments and corporations. She co-founded with her then-husband Amory Lovins the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) and led it for 20 years. [ [ Tree Hugger Interview] ] In demand as a speaker and consultant, she has addressed the World Economic Forum, the U.S. Congress, the World Summit on Sustainable Development, and hundreds of major conferences. Named millennium Hero for the Planet by Time Magazine, she has received the Right Livelihood Award, the Leadership in Business Award and dozens of other honors. Hunter proposes that citizens, communities and companies, working together within the market context, are the most dynamic problem-solving force on the planet. She has worked to build teams that can create and implement practical and affordable solutions to the problems facing us in creating a sustainable future.


Hunter received her undergraduate degree in sociology and political studies from Pitzer College, and her J.D. from Loyola University's School of Law. In 1979 she married Amory Lovins; they separated in 1989 and divorced in 1999 [ [ - Environment News, Alerts, Announcements, Calendar, Links & More! ] ] .

A practicing attorney (member of the California Bar), Hunter helped establish, and was for six years Assistant Director of the California Conservation Project (Tree People), an urban forestry and environmental education group. She served as policy adviser for Friends of the Earth under David Brower. Named Henry R. Luce visiting professor at Dartmouth College, Hunter has taught at several universities, and is currently professor of Sustainable Management at the Presidio World College which offers an accredited MBA in sustainable management. In 1982 she co-founded the Rocky Mountain Institute, a 50-person research center with a $7 million annual budget, half of it earned through programmatic enterprise. She was RMI's CEO for strategy until 2002.

Public Service

Hunter was one of four people from North America to serve as a delegate to the UN's prep conference for Europe and North America for the World Summit on Sustainable Development, and lead a delegation to the World Summit. She was a commissioner in the State of the World Forum’s Commission on Globalization, co-chaired by Mikhail Gorbachev, Jane Goodall, George Soros and others. In 2003, she created Natural Capitalism Inc. and the non-profit Natural Capitalism Solutions to implement the ideas of sustainable development on a global scale.

Hunter has served on the boards of one government, several corporations, and many public interest groups. She advises numerous companies and non-profits, including Engineers Without Borders, Portfolio 21, and The Natural Edge Project. She was a founding director of RMI’s for-profit spin-off, E SOURCE, until its 1999 sale for $18 million to the Financial Times.

Public Appearances


Hunter has presented to an array of audiences around the world, including:
* U.S. Congress
* World Summit on Sustainable Development
* World Economic Forum
* Global Economic Forum
* Daughters of the American Revolution Continental Congress
* World’s Fair Energy Symposia
* State of the World Forum
* St. John the Divine Cathedral Epiphany Service
* Industrial Designers Society’s WorlDesign
* United Nations Development Program
* Institution of Engineers Australia
* United Nations Industrial Development Organizations Annual General Conference
* Hundreds of conferences & college symposia
* Queensland EPA Sustainable Industries Division
* New Zealand Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment
* Western Australia Environmental Policy Unit
* IPENZ National Convention / Newnham Lecture Australian Conservation Foundation
* European Climate Exchange

Television and Film appearances

* 60 Minutes (USA)
* Good Morning America
* Bill Moyers' NOW
* Pat Robertson’s "700 Club"
* Australian Broadcasting Company
* The Merv Griffin Show
* Award-winning film "Lovins On the Soft Path"
* Chicago Manufacturing Center online training course for the Sustainability Helix
* Hundreds of TV and radio news programs


Hunter shared a 1982 Mitchell Prize for an essay on reallocating utility capital, a 1983 Right Livelihood Award (often called the "alternative Nobel Prize"), a 1993 Nissan Award for an article on Hypercars, the 1999 Lindbergh Award for Environment and Technology, and several honorary doctorates. In 2000 she was named a Hero of the Planet by "Time Magazine", and received the Loyola University Award for Outstanding Community Service. In 2001 she received the Leadership in Business Award and shared the Shingo Prize for Manufacturing Research. In 2005 she received the Distinguished Alumni Award of Pitzer College.


Hunter has co-authored nine books including [ Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution] (1999), and The Natural Advantage of Nations (2006), Green Development (1998), Factor 4: Doubling Wealth - Halving Resource Use and Least Cost Energy (1997, together with Ernst Ulrich von Weizsacker), and Solving the CO2 Problem (1981).

* She has dozens of professional papers published in journals including the Harvard Business Review, Foreign Affairs, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Journal of the American Bar Association, Natural Resources Journal and Journal of the U.S. Green Building Council
* Recent articles have appeared in World Link, World Business Academy Review, The Guardian, American Prospect, Los Angeles Times, Yes! Magazine (see photo), and In-Business Magazine

Higher Education

The business education programs developed by Hunter and her colleagues aim to demonstrate how socially and environmentally responsible business decisions benefit performance in corporate, government, and non-profit organizations. These programs draw upon expertise in international business, education, engineering, architecture, law, economics, and natural resources.

Lectures & Teaching

In August 2003, Hunter and her colleague, Walter Link, delivered the first class of the Presidio School of Management in San Francisco. Hunter has also delivered lectures in courses at leading universities and colleges in the United States and abroad, including:

* UC Berkeley, Haas School of Business and Boalt School of Law (CA)
* Stanford University (CA)
* Williams College (MA)
* Dartmouth College
* Imperial College (London)
* University of Kabul (Afghanistan)
* International Finance Corporation Sustainability training (Washington D.C.)
* University of Iowa, College of Engineering
* University of Wyoming
* United World College
* Victoria Univ. of Wellington (New Zealand)
* University of Canberra (Australia)
* Griffith University (Australia)
* Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (Australia)
* Colorado School Of Mines (CO)


External links

* [ Natural Capitalism, Inc] , Hunter Lovins company

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  • Hunter Lovins — L. Hunter Lovins geb. Sheldon (* 1950 in Ripton Vermont) ist eine Juristin, Soziologin und Politikwissenschaftlerin und – gemeinsam mit ihrem damaligen Ehemann Amory Lovins – Trägerin des Right Livelihood Award. Hunter Lovins erlernte ihr… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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