Stanford Journal of East Asian Affairs

Stanford Journal of East Asian Affairs

The Stanford Journal of East Asian Affairs is a student-managed, peer-reviewed publication of Stanford University, first published in the spring of 2001. The Journal was established in 2000 to showcase outstanding papers on East Asia written by undergraduate and graduate students from around the world. It strives to address compelling issues from the region in a manner accessible to a general audience, and is one of few publications in existence with such a mission.

Featuring pieces on Greater China, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia and other regional issues, the Journal has published successful editions covering a wide range of topics including politics, international relations, economics, history, literature and the arts.

Advised by five Stanford University professors and supported by the Stanford Center for East Asian Studies and the Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center at Stanford, the Journal is currently distributed nationally and regularly receives submissions from leading universities in the U.S. and abroad.

Beyond academic work, the publication also serves as a discussion forum for current issues in East Asia through editorials, interviews and book reviews. SJEAA seeks submissions pertaining to China/Hong Kong/Taiwan, Japan, Korea, South East Asia, and the greater East Asian region.

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