anthropotheism — belief that gods are only deified men Philosophical Isms … Phrontistery dictionary
anthropotheism — an·thro·po·the·ism … English syllables
anthropotheism — The belief that gods began as humans and are human in nature … Grandiloquent dictionary
anthropotheism — n. belief that gods have human nature or are only deified human beings … Dictionary of difficult words
anthropotheism — ˌan(t)thrəˌpōˈ , thrō , pə , ˌaan noun ( s) Etymology: anthrop + theism : the doctrine that the gods originated as men or are essentially human in their nature … Useful english dictionary
Nicolás Gómez Dávila — In his younger years. Born Nicolás Gómez Dávila 18 May 1913(1913 05 18) Bogotá, Colombia Died … Wikipedia
Anthropomorphism — is the attribution of uniquely human characteristics to non human creatures and beings, natural and supernatural phenomena, material states and objects or abstract concepts. Subjects for anthropomorphism commonly include animals and plants… … Wikipedia
Anthropomorphisme — Portrait de lapin anthropomorphe de John Tenniel, apparaissant dans le premier chapitre d Alice au pays des merveilles de Lewis Carroll. L’anthropomorphisme est l attribution de caractéristiques comportementales ou morphologiques humaines à d… … Wikipédia en Français
allotheism — Synonyms and related words: acosmism, animatism, animism, anthropolatry, anthropomorphism, anthropotheism, autotheism, cosmotheism, deism, ditheism, dualism, dyotheism, heathendom, heathenism, heathenry, henotheism, hylotheism, idolatry,… … Moby Thesaurus
anthropomorphism — Synonyms and related words: acosmism, allotheism, anthropolatry, anthropopathism, anthropotheism, autotheism, cosmotheism, deism, ditheism, dualism, dyotheism, henotheism, humanization, hylotheism, monolatry, monotheism, multitheism, myriotheism … Moby Thesaurus