- Anders Hallberg
Anders Hallberg (b.
29 April 1945 inVetlanda ) is a Swedishchemist and has been electedrector magnificus ofUppsala University from July 2006, succeedingBo Sundqvist .Hallberg is born in
Vetlanda , grew up inTranås and studied atLund University , where he received his M.Sc. degree in 1969 and his Ph.D. in Chemistry in 1980. His dissertation, "Methoxythiophenes and Related Systems" (1980), was supervised by Prof.Salo Gronowitz .Hallberg has worked at
Lund University and at the pharmaceutical corporation Astra (later merged to becomeAstraZeneca ) inLund . He was appointed professor ofMedicinal chemistry at Uppsala University in 1990, became Head of the Department of Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry in 1991 and was Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy 1996-2002.He was elected a member of the
Royal Society of Sciences in Uppsala 1994, of theRoyal Academy of Arts and Sciences in Uppsala in 2004, of theRoyal Physiographic Society in Lund in 2005, of theRoyal Swedish Academy of Sciences in 2006, and of theRoyal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences in 2007.In February 2007, as Rector of the Uppsala University, Anders Hallberg was involved in forced resignations of two tenured math professors,
Oleg Viro and Burglind Juhl-Jöricke, that resulted in an international controversy. [ [http://chronicle.com/weekly/v53/i38/38a04901.htm Swedish University, Alleging Culture Clash, Forces Out 2 Tenured Foreign Professors,]Chronicle of Higher Education , Volume 53, Issue 38, Page A49;May 25 ,2007 ] [ [http://www.ems-ph.org/journals/newsletter/pdf/2007-06-64.pdf Two mathematicians forced to resign at Uppsala University, Sweden,] Newsletter of the European Mathematical Society, page 15, June, 2007] [ [http://www.emis.de/press.html "Two mathematicians forced to resign at Uppsala University, Sweden. The European Mathematical Society is very concerned"] EMS press release, June, 2007] [ [http://www2.unt.se/avd/1,1826,MC=2-AV_ID=623641,00.html?from=read_more Article by the Deans of the Faculty describing the background, i.e. the situation at the mathematical department]Uppsala Nya Tidning June 17 ,2007 ] In his response to public criticism, Anders Hallberg maintains that the university's administration acted properly in maintaining a positive work environment in the Mathematics Department and that the administration's actions in the case did not violate the two professors' academic freedom. [ [http://www.emis.de/uppsala/Hallberg_to_Laptev.pdf Answer from Anders Hallberg to Ari Laptev] www.emis.de,March 21 ,2007 ]In June 2008 Anders Hallberg was awarded
H. M. The King's Medal "for significant contributions to higher education and research".References
* [http://www.orgfarm.uu.se/Personell/Staff/ahallberg/default.aspx Anders Hallberg, CV]
* [http://www.orgfarm.uu.se/Personell/Staff/ahallberg/papers/Wiki%20Pages/Home.aspx Anders Hallberg, List of papers]
* [http://www.uu.se/en/node59 Uppsala University Vice-Chancellor]
* [http://www.uu.se/en/node54 Welcome to Uppsala University]
* [http://www.uu.se/en/node55 Vice-Chancellor Anders Hallberg's Program Declaration at his Inauguration Ceremony on September 22, 2006]
* [http://www.uu.se/en/node156 Speech by Vice-Chancellor, Anders Hallberg, at the spring conferment ceremony held on 30 May 2008]
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