

official_name = Peniche

image_coat_of_arms = PNI1.png

District = Leiria
Region = Centro
Subregion = Oeste
Mayor_name = António Santos
Mayor_party = CDU
area_total = 78.0
population_total = 28,164
population_density = 358
Parishes = 6
coor = 39°21'N 9°22'W
params = 39_21_N_9_22_W
occasion = Monday after the 1st Sunday of August
day =
website =
footnotes =

Peniche (pron. IPA2|'niʃ(ɨ)) is a seaside municipality and a city in Portugal, with approximately 28,164 inhabitants in the municipality and about 15,600 in the city of Peniche.

The present mayor is António Correia Santos, elected by the Unitarian Democratic Coalition.

It is composed of 6 parishes.


* Ajuda
* Atouguia da Baleia
* Conceição
* Ferrel
* São Pedro
* Serra d'El-Rei

General info

The Berlengas islands are part of the municipality, off the coast of Peniche. They are one of the world's first protected areas, the Berlengas nature reserve. During summer, the islands can be visited taking a ferryboat from Peniche.

Peniche is known for its long windy beaches, sought for recreational activities and sports as surf, windsurf or kite surf. Peniche has very good waves. Supertubos is the most popular wave in the region, with very fast and powerful (tubular) waves, one of the best in Europe; some call it the "European Pipeline".Peniche, with its typical harbour, its white windmills and chapels and large sand beaches has inspired notorious painter artists like Maurice Boitel.


External links

* [ Municipality official website]
* [ Photos from Peniche]

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