- Cubic feet per minute
Cubic feet per minute (CFPM or CFM) is a non-
SI unit of measurement of the flow of a gas or liquid that indicates how muchvolume incubic feet pass by a stationary point in one minute.Conversion factor for SI conversions
In order to find this conversion the following information is required:1m=100cm, 1foot=.3048meters, 1mL=1cm3, 1L=1000mL
1CFM is another way of saying The conversion is as follows:
This comes out to be 1CFM = .47195L/s
SCFM (Standard cubic feet per minute) corresponds to the CFPM in Standard conditions, while ACFM (actual cubic feet per minute) explicitly corresponds to the CFPM in the actual conditions of operation.----
The CFPM unit, along with its SI counterparts, is used with:
*Air compressor s andpneumatic tools
*Computer cooling , specificallyoverclocking
*Fog machine s
*Industrial hygiene
* Ventilation engineering andHVAC The CFPM unit was also formerly used in the engineering of
carburetor s, and is still used in fields where carburetors are still in service, such as the classic car and vintage aircraft hobbies.
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