Voluntary Plan Termination — The discontinuance of a defined benefit plan by an employer. A voluntary plan termination may occur by the plan administrator only if all of the requirements for a standard termination or distress termination are followed. The U.S. Code of… … Investment dictionary
Termination of employment — is the end of an employee s duration with an employer. Depending on the case, the decision may be made by the employee, the employer, or mutually agreed upon by both.Voluntary terminationVoluntary termination is a decision made by the employee to … Wikipedia
termination — The action taken by a secured party to end or give up its interest in collateral. For personal property collateral, a termination may be entered into the public record by using a standard form called a UCC 3. American Banker Glossary * * *… … Financial and business terms
Termination (Indianerpolitik) — Als Termination wird eine Phase der Indianerpolitik der Vereinigten Staaten bezeichnet, die das Ziel hatte, die Verwaltung der Indianerreservate durch die Bundesregierung der Vereinigten Staaten aufzuheben und die Angehörigen der Indianervölker… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cash balance plan — A cash balance plan is a defined benefit retirement plan that maintains hypothetical individual employee accounts like a defined contribution plan. The hypotheticality of the individual accounts was crucial in the early adoption of such plans… … Wikipedia
Allocation Of Plan Assets On Termination — The procedure that occurs upon the termination of any kind of pension plan. The allocation of plan assets on termination can occur in one of two ways: either each employee is repaid his or her contributions plus interest, or else the employees… … Investment dictionary
Performance improvement plan — A Performance Improvement Plan or PIP is a set of explicit goals given to an employee to meet. These goals are usually given as a result of some failure, either dramatic or systemic, on the part of the employee. Properly done, a PIP gives an… … Wikipedia
Defined benefit pension plan — For the defined contribution pension plan, see Defined Contribution Pension Plan. In economics, a defined benefit pension plan is a major type of pension plan in which an employer promises a specified monthly benefit on retirement that is… … Wikipedia
United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine — UN General Assembly Resolution 181 (II) Date: November 29 1947 Meeting no.: 128 … Wikipedia
Cash Balance Pension Plan — A pension plan under which an employer credits a participant s account with a set percentage of his or her yearly compensation plus interest charges. A cash balance pension plan is a defined benefit plan. As such, the plan s funding limits,… … Investment dictionary