Local union

Local union

A local union, often shortened to local, known as a union branch in the United Kingdom, is a locally-based trade union organization which forms part of a larger, usually national, union.

Local branches are organized to represent the union's members from a particular geographic area, company, or business sector. Locals have their own governing bodies which represent the interests of the national union while at the same time responding to the desires of their constituents, and organise regular meetings for members. Local branches may also affiliate to a local trades council.

In the United States and Canada, locals are usually numbered, e.g. [http://www.cwa2101.org/ CWA Local 2101] in Baltimore, Maryland or [http://ilalocal273.com/ ILA Local 273] in St John, New Brunswick.

In the printing industry, union branches are traditionally known as "chapels", led by the Father of the Chapel.

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