American System

American System

The term American System can mean one of the following:

* American system of manufacturing, for a system of manufacturing developed in America.
* American System (economic plan), for the program of Henry Clay and the Whig Party.
* American School (economics), for the Hamiltonian American School of which the American System (economic plan) is a part.

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  • american system — noun Usage: capitalized A : the policy of promoting industry in the United States by adoption of a high protective tariff and of developing internal improvements by the federal government (as advocated by Henry Clay from 1816 to 1828) * * *… …   Useful english dictionary

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  • American system of watch manufacturing — Aaron Lufkin Dennison fut inspiré par les techniques de production de la manufacture d armes de Springfield, Massachusetts, États Unis. Les principes de fabrication étaient basés principalement sur un système strict d organisation, l utilisation… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • American System of Watch Manufacturing — In the mid 19th century Aaron Lufkin Dennison became inspired by the manufacturing techniques of the United States Armory at Springfield, Mass. The armory practice was mainly based on a strict system of organization, the extensive use of the… …   Wikipedia

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