- Frederick William Jowett
Frederick William 'Fred' Jowett (
31 January 1864 –1 February 1944 ) was a British Labour politician.Born in
Bradford ,West Yorkshire , Jowett received little formal education and at the age of eight was working at the local textile mill. In 1886 Jowett was promoted to overlooker and after attending evening classes in weaving and design atBradford Technical College (now theUniversity of Bradford ), was employed as a manager at the mill.As a young man Jowett read the works of
William Morris and in 1886 he joined the Socialist League. This organisation was won over toanarchism after 1889 and so Jowett became involved with the Bradford Labour Union, a group formed to support strikers at the Manningham Mills in Bradford. Jowett was aChristian Socialist and was furious when local churchman criticised the strikers. Jowett responded by helping to form a Labour Church in the town.In 1892 Jowett became the first socialist to be elected to Bradford City Council. A few months later Jowett founded a branch of the
Independent Labour Party in Bradford. As a member of the council Jowett instigated several important reforms that were eventually imitated by other authorities. In 1904 Bradford became the first local authority in Britain to provide free school meals. Another successful campaign was the clearing of a slum area and replacing it with new houses. Jowett was also a supporter of reforming the 1834Poor Law . He was elected as a Poor Law Guardian and attempted to improve the quality of the food given to the children in the Bradford Workhouse.In the 1900 general election Jowett was the Independent Labour Party candidate in Bradford West. His strong opposition to the
Second Boer War may have cost him the election, as he only lost by 41 votes.With the Boer War over, Jowett comfortably won the seat in the 1906 general election. In the House of Commons Jowett attempted to persuade the government to introduce legislation that he had pioneered in Bradford, such as a school meals programme. Jowett supported
David Lloyd George in his attempts to introduce Old Age Pensions in 1908. However, he criticised the inadequate sums involved and the use of theMeans Test . During this period Jowett established himself as one of the leading left-wing figures in the House of Commons and in 1909 was elected Chairman of theIndependent Labour Party .Jowett was re-elected in the January 1910 and December 1910 general elections. In the "
Socialist Review " Jowett suggested a new system of government. He argued that the Cabinet system should be abolished and replaced with committees representing all political parties. Jowett believed this would give more power to individual MPs. This proposal was unpopular with the leaders who felt it would undermine their power if the Labour Party formed the next government. This controversy brought Jowett into conflict with the party leader,Ramsay MacDonald . In an attempt to maintain party unity, Jowett agreed to resign as party Chairman.Like many socialists Jowett opposed Britain's involvement in the
First World War . He supported those who resistedconscription and demanded heavy taxation on wartime profits. Jowett also called on the British government to assume total control of the economy during the conflict. In the 1918 general election all those Labour MPs who opposed the war, including Jowett, Ramsay MacDonald,George Lansbury andPhilip Snowden lost their seats.In the 1922 general election Jowett was elected for Bradford East. When Ramsay MacDonald became Britain's first Labour Prime Minister in 1924, Jowett was appointed as
First Commissioner of Works . One of his achievements as a minister was to obtain the money needed to repair and modernize 60,000 government built houses.Jowett was defeated in the 1924 general election and while out of the House of Commons took the opportunity to consider the future policies of the Independent Labour Party. In 1926 he produced a report "Socialism in Our Time" which argued for a national minimum income with full socialism as a long-term objective. Ramsay MacDonald refused to endorse the report and now out of line with the ILP decided to resign from the party.
Jowett returned to the House of Commons at the 1929 general election, but MacDonald did not offer him a place in his government. Jowett opposed the formation of the National Government and as a result lost his seat in the 1931 general election. The following year Jowett and the Independent Labour Party disaffiliated from the Labour Party.
The Independent Labour Party opposed Britain's involvement in the Second World War. He was very critical of the way the government ran the country during the conflict. Jowett claimed that the government's
Equality of Sacrifice policy was just propaganda and pointed out that workers' wages were falling well behind increasing prices.He was appointed a Privy Counsellor in 1924.
Who Was Who
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