Urhunden Prizes

Urhunden Prizes

Urhunden Prizes have been given out each year by the Svenska Seriefrämjandet (Swedish Comicbook Association) since 1987. There are currently three categories, Best Swedish (Domestic) Album of the Year (1987-2005), Best Foreign Album of the Year (1987-2005), and the "Unghunden" for best children's comics (1994-2005).

The award is named after the comic strip "Urhunden" by "O.A.".

Domestic Album

*1987: "Alger" by Gunnar Krantz
*1988: "Gas" by Joakim Pirinen
*1989: "Ensamma Mamman" by Cecilia Torudd
*1990: "Arne Anka" by Charlie Christensen
*1991: "Medan Kaffet Kallnar" by Ulf Lundkvist
*1992: "Arne Anka Del II" by Charlie Christensen
*1993: "Uti vår hage 3" by Krister Petersson
*1994: "Arne Anka Del III" by Charlie Christensen
*1995: "Vakuumneger" by Max Andersson
*1996: "Garagedrömmar" by Mats Kjellblad
*1997: "Baron Bosse Story" (Assar 6) by Ulf Lundkvist
*1998: "Hjärteblod" by Anders Westerberg
*1999: "Allt för Konsten" (anthology)
*2000: "Rocky" by Martin Kellerman
*2001: "För Fin för Denna Världen" by Daniel Ahlgren
*2002: "Fröken Märkvärdig och Karriären" by Joanna Rubin Dranger
*2003: "Sjunde Våningen" by Åsa Grennvall
*2004: "Klas Katt Går till Sjöss" by Gunnar Lundkvist
*2005: "Amatörernas Afton" by Anneli Furmark
*2006: "Pojken i skogen" by Mats Jonsson
*2007: "Jag är din flickvän nu" by Nina Hemmingsson

Foreign album

*1987: "Operation Istanbul" by Vittorio Giardino (Italy)
*1988: "Maus" by Art Spiegelman (USA)
*1989: "Den Skrattande Solen" ("The Laughing Sun") by Gilbert Hernandez (USA)
*1990: "Blues i Brallan" by Baru (French)
*1991: "Sirenens Sång" by François Bourgeon (French)
*1992: "Watchmen" by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons (USA)
*1993: "Maus II" by Art Spiegelman (USA)
*1994: "Ernie 1" by Bud Grace (USA)
*1995: "1945" (När Kriget Kom 5) by Niels Roland, Morten Hesseldahl and Henrik Rehr (Denmark)
*1996: "Serier: Den Osynliga Konsten" ("") by Scott McCloud (USA)
*1997: "Den Stora Kokapplöpningen" (Bone 4) by Jeff Smith (USA)
*1998: "Karu Cell" by Kati Kovács (Finland)
*1999: "Ed the Happy Clown" by Chester Brown (Canada)
*2000: "Pappas Flicka" ("Daddy's Girl") by Debbie Drechsler (USA)
*2001: "Vänta Lite..." ("Hey, Wait...") by Jason (Norway)
*2002: "Holmenkollen" by Matti Hagelberg (Finland)
*2003: "Ghost World" by Daniel Clowes (USA)
*2004: "Allt för konsten 4" (Nordic anthology)
*2005: "Persepolis Book 1" by Marjane Satrapi (Iran/France)
*2006: "V for Vendetta" by Alan Moore and David Lloyd (UK/USA)
*2007: "Broderier" ("Broderies") by Marjane Satrapi (Iran/France)


*1994: Rune Andréasson
*1995: Peter Madsen, Henning Kure, Per Vadmand and Hans Rancke-Madsen
*1996: Måns Gahrton and Johan Unenge
*1997: Magnus Knutsson
*1998: Don Rosa
*1999: Bryan Talbot
*2000: Bokfabriken
*2001: Carlsen Comics
*2002: Mats Källblad
*2003: Kamratposten
*2004: Bamse-redaktionen
*2005: Johan Andreasson
*2006: Helena Magnusson
*2007: Ulf Granberg

ee also

*Adamson Award (another Swedish comic book award)

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