Sepoy Mutiny

Sepoy Mutiny

Sepoy Mutiny may refer to:

*Indian Rebellion of 1857
*1915 Singapore Mutiny
*Vellore Mutiny

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  • Sepoy Mutiny — noun discontent with British administration in India led to numerous mutinies in 1857 and 1858; the revolt was put down after several battles and sieges (notably the siege at Lucknow) • Syn: ↑Indian Mutiny • Regions: ↑India, ↑Republic of India,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • sepoy — native of India in British military service, 1717, from Port. sipae, from Urdu sipahi, from Pers. sipahi soldier, horseman, from sipah army. The Sepoy Mutiny was 1857 8 …   Etymology dictionary

  • Sepoy-Aufstand — Der große indische Aufstand von 1857 Der große indische Aufstand von 1857, auch Sepoy Aufstand genannt, richtete sich gegen die britische Kolonialherrschaft über den indischen Subkontinent. Ausgelöst wurde er wegen der Verletzung religiöser… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Sepoy — A sepoy (IPAEng|ˈsipɔɪ) (from Persian سپاهی Sipâhi meaning soldier ) was a native of India, a soldier allied to a European power, usually the United Kingdom. Specifically, it was the term used in the British Indian Army, and earlier in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Mutiny — For other uses, see Mutiny (disambiguation). Mutiny is a conspiracy among members of a group of similarly situated individuals (typically members of the military; or the crew of any ship, even if they are civilians) to openly oppose, change or… …   Wikipedia

  • Sepoy Rebellion — a revolt of the sepoy troops in British India (1857 59), resulting in the transfer of the administration of India from the East India Company to the crown. Also called Sepoy Mutiny, Indian Mutiny. * * * …   Universalium

  • Sepoy Rebellion — a revolt of the sepoy troops in British India (1857 59), resulting in the transfer of the administration of India from the East India Company to the crown. Also called Sepoy Mutiny, Indian Mutiny …   Useful english dictionary

  • mutiny — /myooht n ee/, n., pl. mutinies, v., mutinied, mutinying. n. 1. revolt or rebellion against constituted authority, esp. by sailors against their officers. 2. rebellion against any authority. v.i. 3. to commit the offense of mutiny; revolt against …   Universalium

  • Mutiny Memorial — The Mutiny Memorial [1] is a monument in New Delhi. Also known as Ajitgarh, it was built in memory of British soldiers killed during First War of Indian Independence (Sepoy Mutiny) in 1857. Its architecture is Gothic with an octagonal perimeter.… …   Wikipedia

  • sepoy —    (SEE poy) [Urdu, from Persian] Formerly, native Indian soldiers in the service of the British during the British occupation of India.    after the abortive Sepoy Mutiny against their British rulers in 1857 The Guardian, May 17, 1999 …   Dictionary of foreign words and phrases

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