- Simultaneity
Simultaneity is the property of two events happening at the same
time in at least one reference frame.The noun Simult means a supernatural
coincidence , two or moredivinely inspired events that occur at or near the same period of time that are related to each other in both noticeable and unnoticeable characteristics [Latin simul, at the same time; see sem-1 in Indo-European Roots + English -taneous(as in instantaneous).*In
econometrics , it arises when one or more of theexplanatory variables is jointly determined with thedependent variable , typically through anequilibrium mechanism.
*Incriminal law , for a criminal violation to be established, it must be shown that there was simultaneity ofactus reus andmens rea .
*Inmathematics , a system of equations or a set ofsimultaneous equations share variables; a solution is a set of variable values for which all these equations are satisfied together.
*Inmusic , see:simultaneity (music) .
*In modern physics, see: Simultaneous hyperplane orRelativity of simultaneity .
*Inmarketing , simultaneity is one of the characteristics of a service which differentiates it from a product. It refers to the idea that the production and consumption of a service occur simultaneously, making it impossible to produce and store a service prior to consumption.
*In chess, seeSimultaneous exhibition
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