- Hidayah
Hidayah ( _ar. هداية) is the
Arabic word for "present" or "gift". In Islamic context, it means "guidance" and "leadership " as given byAllah . It can also refer to guidance from theQur'an and according to theSunnah . It is also the name of a famousHanafi juridical work by Burhan-ud-din Ali bin Abi Bakr al-Marghinani (1152-1197) which is considered widely authoritative as a guide to "Fiqh " amongst Muslims in Central Asia, Afghanistan and India, and is the basis for much of the Anglo-Islamic law in India and Pakistan. [Charles Hamilton (Trans.) "The Hedaya. Commentary on the Islamic Laws" (Delhi) 1994 (2nd Edition 1870)]References
External links
* [http://amalpress.com/index.php?l_dis=publications&det=full&id=14/ al-Hidaya: A Classical Manual of Hanafi Law - VOLUME 1] author Burhan al-Din al-Marghinani trans. Imran Ahsan Khan Nyazee, 2006
* [http://www.al-hidayah.co.uk/ Al Hidayah (Organisation)]
* [http://www.hidayahblog.com Al-Hidayah Mosque Blog(UK)]
* [http://hidayahonline.org/ Guidance According to the Qur'an and Sunnah]
* [http://globalwebpost.com/farooqm/study_res/islam/fiqh/ijma_hedaya.html Agreement/disagreement even within one school of Fiqh: Illustrations from Hidaya]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.