Cyp — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Cyp puede referirse a varios conceptos: CYP hace referencia a la libra chipriota en código ISO 4217. CYP es la abreviatura de citocromo P450, una hemoproteína asociada al metabolismo de diversas sustancias. Cyp es la … Wikipedia Español
Cyp|ri|an — «SIHP ree uhn», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. of or having to do with Cyprus, an island in the eastern Mediterranean, famous for its worship of Aphrodite (Venus). 2. lewd; licentious. –n. 1. a native or inhabitant of Cyprus. 2. a lewd or licentious… … Useful english dictionary
Cyp|ri|ot — «SIHP ree uht», noun, adjective. –n. 1. a person born or living in Cyprus. 2. the Greek dialect of Cyprus. –adj. of or having to do with Cyprus; Cyprian. ╂[< Greek Kypri < Kýpros Cyprus] … Useful english dictionary
cyp|ri|pe|di|um — «SIHP ruh PEE dee uhm», noun, plural di|a « dee uh». any one of a group of orchids that have drooping flowers with a protruding, saclike lip, including lady s slippers and moccasin flowers. ╂[< New Latin Cypripedium the genus name < Greek… … Useful english dictionary
cyp|se|la — IHP suh luh», noun, plural lae « lee». Botany. an achene having an adherent calyx. ╂[< New Latin cypsela < Greek kypsélē hollow vessel, box] … Useful english dictionary
cyp — cham·ae·cyp·a·ris; cyp·er·a·ce·ae; cyp·er·a·les; cyp·ri·an·ic; cyp·rid; cyp·ri·di·na; cyp·rine; cyp·ri·noi·dea; cyp·ri·pe·di·um; cyp·se·la; cyp·sel·i·dae; cyp·se·li·form; cyp·se·line; cyp·se·loid; cyp·se·lus; pel·e·cyp·o·da; pel·e·cyp·o·dous;… … English syllables
cyp — cỹp interj. 1. kartojant nusakomas viščiukų ciepsėjimas: Vištyčiai cyp cyp cypsėjo Nm. 2. kartojant nusakomas cypimas: Tuojaus apšoko mane keturi šunys: vienas vampt vampt lojo, kitas cyp cyp cypė M.Valanč … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
cyp — cỹp1 jst. Cỹp cỹp cỹp, atei̇̃kit, lèsti gáusit! … Bendrinės lietuvių kalbos žodyno antraštynas
cyp — cỹp2 išt. Cỹp cỹp cỹp, atbėgo pelýtė … Bendrinės lietuvių kalbos žodyno antraštynas
CYP — The ISO 4217 currency code for the Cypriot pound. The Cypriot pound (CYP), also known as the lira, was the national currency for the country of Cyprus until 2008, when the republic adopted the euro (EUR). The symbol for the pound is £C. As… … Investment dictionary