

"Lunavada" is a taluka and a small town in the Panchmahal District in the Northern part of Gujarat state of India.

During British Raj, Lunavada was one of the princely states under the Gujarat division of Bombay Presidency, whose chieftain was Wakhat Singhhji (1867-1919) a Solanki Rajput "maharana" of high linage. The capital was Lunavada town, said to have been founded in 1434 CE. The 1901 census records that the population had a decrease of 28% in the decade, due to famine.


*Search for Lunawada for more details
*Bruce Colin.R. Deyell, John. S, Rhodes Nicholas, Spengler Wlliam.f. The Standard Guide to South Asian Coins adn Paper Money since1556AD, Krause Publications Wisconsin USA 1981

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