Apple GS/OS

Apple GS/OS

name = GS/OS

caption = GS/OS running.
developer = Apple Computer
family = GS/OS
version_number = Varies
source_model = Closed source
working_state = Historic
latest_release_version = GS/OS v4.02 (System Software 6.0.1)
latest_release_date = 1993
kernel_type = Monolithic kernel
license = Apple Software License Agreement
website =

GS/OS is an operating environment developed by Apple Computer for its Apple IIGS personal computer that uses the ProDOS filing system. It provides facilities for accessing the file system, controlling input/output devices, loading and running program files, and a system allowing programs to handle interrupts and signals. GS/OS was included as a component of Apple IIGS System Software versions 4.0 through 6.0.1.

GS/OS included a facility known as File System Translators (FSTs) which allowed it to support multiple on-disk file systems in a manner transparent to application programs, a feature not found in ProDOS or most other microcomputer operating systems at the time. It was usually used with the ProDOS file system (which was the only one from which it could be booted), but GS/OS also supported a variety of other file systems, including the Hierarchical File System used by the Mac OS. Other File System Translators included those for MS-DOS, High Sierra/ISO-9660, Apple ProDOS, DOS 3.3 and Pascal, albeit read-only (full read/write support had been planned but never completed). Another advantage of GS/OS over ProDOS 16 was that it was written in 16-bit code for the 65816 processor used in the IIGS, rather than primarily in 8-bit 6502 machine code that did not take advantage of the IIGS's unique features. It also extended the ProDOS file system to provide for resource forks on files similar to those used on the Apple Macintosh, which allowed for programs to be written in a more flexible way.

The big change from the previous versions of ProDOS is that GS/OS incorporated many features of the Macintosh OS 5. In particular, GS/OS has a Finder, loadable fonts, plug-in device drivers (modem, printer, etc). In addition GS/OS's Toolbox was largely compatible with the Macintosh; in fact it seemed like the Macintosh Toolbox ported to the 65816 processor, with improvements. GS/OS comes with a command-line development environment called APW (Apple Programmer's Workshop); much like the Macintosh Programmer's Workshop.

See also

* Apple II
* Apple IIGS
* Juiced.GS – The last remaining Apple II publication
* ProDOS
* Apple DOS
* Macintosh Finder

External links

* [ AppleCare Support - Older Software Downloads]
* [ Apple IIgs GS/OS 6.0.1 Screenshots and details]
* [ GS/OS at the Apple II History Museum]
* [] – Apple II news and downloads

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