

Levente (die in 1047) - youngest son of Vazul, a ruler in Hungary's Árpád dynasty.

Levente was son of Vazul, cousin of Stephen I of Hungary, and unknown from name women from family Tátony ["Słownik Starożytności Słowiańskich", vol. 7] . Brother of Andrew I of Hungary and Béla I of Hungary. After 1031 and before year 1038, how suppose Bálint Hóman nearly year 1035, when their father had is eyes gouged out and molten lead poured in his ears on order of king Stephen I, the three brothers was obliged to leave the country. Fleeing first to Bohemia, they continued to Poland where Bela settled down, while his brothers continued on, settling in Kiev. In Poland, Bela served king Mieszko II Lambert of Poland and took part in the king's campaigns against the pagan Pomeran tribes. He became a successful military leader, and the king gave his daughter, Rixa in marriage to him. After his marriage, he probably lived in Poland even during the time of "interregnum" when his brother-in-law, Casimir I of Poland was obliged to leave the country. Andrew and Levente go to prince of Kievan Rus' - Yaroslav I the Wise.

In year 1046 the Hungarian prelates, lead by bishop Gerard Sagredo, called back to the country duke Vazul's formerly expelled sons, who have been living in Kiev. By the time when Andrew and Levente arrived to Hungary, an extensive revolt of the pagan Hungarians had broken out. The two brothers made an alliance with the pagan rebels who accepted their leadership in Abaújvár. King Peter I tried to escape to the Holy Roman Empire, but he was arrested and blinded by the followers of the two princes. Levente was the last member of his family not to be baptised, renouncing his rights of succession rather than accept baptism. He was seriously injured in battle against the forces of Peter Ir and died of his injuries within a year.

The Hungarian chronicles related that after the downfall of Peter Urseolo Andrew agreed with his elder brother, Levente, who was a decided pagan, that Andrew would rule over Hungary. Andrew, however, was crowned only in 1047, after his brother's death.


*cite book
first = S. A.
last = Sroka
year = 2000
title = Historia Węgier do 1526 roku
publisher =
location = Bydgoszcz, Poland
id =

*cite web
first =
last =
title = Foundation for Medieval Genealogy
url = http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/HUNGARY.htm#_Toc146273216
accessdate = 2007-12-29

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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