Bac Trung Bo

Bac Trung Bo

Bắc Trung Bộ (literally North Central Coast) is one of the regions of Vietnam. It consists of six provinces: Thanh Hóa, Nghệ An, Hà Tĩnh, Quảng Bình, Quảng Trị, Thừa Thiên-Huế.


This region was hostile to United States and ARVN forces throughout the Vietnam War as it was a NLF stronghold.


This region features three out of seven UNESCO's world heritage sites in Vietnam, namely: Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park, Complex of Historical Monuments in Hue and Royal Court Music of Hue.


The Bắc Trung Bộ region has the second lowest GDP per capita in the country, while the Tây Bắc region ranks the lowest GDP per capita.

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