- Global field
mathematics , the term global field refers to either of the following:*a number field, i.e., a finite extension of Q or
*thefunction field of analgebraic curve over afinite field , i.e., a finitely generated field of characteristic "p">0 oftranscendence degree 1.There are a number of formal similarities between the two kinds of fields. A field of either type has the property that all of its completions are
locally compact fields (seelocal field s). Every field of either type can be realized as thefield of fractions of aDedekind domain in which every non-zero ideal is of finite index. In each case, one has the "product formula" for non-zero elements "x"::prod_v |x|_v = 1.The analogy between the two kinds of fields has been a strong motivating force in
algebraic number theory . The idea of an analogy between number fields andRiemann surface s goes back toRichard Dedekind andHeinrich M. Weber in thenineteenth century . The more strict analogy expressed by the 'global field' idea, in which a Riemann surface's aspect asalgebraic curve is mapped to curves defined over a finite field, was built up during the 1930s, culminating in theRiemann hypothesis for local zeta-functions settled byAndré Weil in 1940. The terminology may be due to Weil, who wrote his "Basic Number Theory" (1967) in part to work out the parallelism.It is usually easier to work in the function field case and then try to develop parallel techniques on the number field side. The development of
Arakelov theory and its exploitation byGerd Faltings in his proof of theMordell conjecture is a dramatic example.References
J.W.S. Cassels , "Global fields", in J.W.S. Cassels andA. Frohlich (edd), "Algebraic number theory",Academic Press , 1973. Chap.II, pp.45-84.
* J.W.S. Cassels, "Local fields",Cambridge University Press , 1986, ISBN 0-521-31525-5. P.56.
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