List of butterflies of India (Hesperiidae)

List of butterflies of India (Hesperiidae)

India has a rich biodiversity of butterflies, of which skippers are a well represented family. Of the seven subfamilies belonging to the family Hesperiidae, four are found in India, comprising a total of 223 species of 74 genera and these are listed below.

General characteristics

Hesperids are often difficult to identify to species level in the field and accurate identification may require dissection and examination of the genitalia. The larval food plants are mainly grasses, palms and bamboos. Some feed on dicotyledon species. Eggs are smooth, or sometimes ridged and white or red in color. Larvae are cylindrical with a large head. They are usually green or transparent green and sometimes conspicuously marked. The larvae feed within cells made out of rolled leaves and pupation occurs inside the cell. The pupa is generally covered with fine white powder.


ubfamily Coeliadinae

See List of butterflies of India (Coeliadinae) (20 species, four genera).

ubfamily Hesperiinae

See List of butterflies of India (Hesperiinae) (133 species, 48 genera).

ubfamily Pyrginae

See List of butterflies of India (Pyrginae) (69 species, 21 genera).

ubfamily Heteropterinae

* "Apostictopterus fuliginosus" Leech, 1893Marrku Savela's Website on Lepidoptera. Page on genus [ "Apostictopterus"] .]

Cited references


*aut|Evans, W.H. (1932) "The Identification of Indian Butterflies". 2nd Ed, (i to x, pp454, 9 figs, Plates I to XXXII), Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai, India.
*; aut|Kehimkar,Isaac & aut|Punetha,J.C. (1992) Common Butterflies of India. WWF-India and Oxford University Press, Mumbai, India.
*aut|Haribal, Meena. (1992) "Butterflies of Sikkim Himalaya and their Natural History" (pp 217). Sikkim Nature Conservation Foundation.
*aut|Kunte, Krushnamegh. (2000) "Butterflies of Peninsular India", (i to xviii, pp254, Plates 1 to 32) Universities Press (India) Ltd, Hyderabad (reprint 2006). ISBN 81-7371-354-5
*aut|Wynter-Blyth, M.A. (1957) "Butterflies of the Indian Region", Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai, India.OnlineOnline
*aut|Beccaloni, G. W., aut|Scoble, M. J., aut|Robinson, G. S. & aut|Pitkin, B. (Editors). 2003. The Global Lepidoptera Names Index (LepIndex). World Wide Web electronic publication. [] (accessed 26 September 2007).
*aut|Savela, Marrku Website on Lepidoptera [] (accessed 26 September 2007)

ee also

* Hesperiidae.
* List of butterflies of India.
* Fauna of India.

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