Háleygjatal — es un poema escáldico de Eyvindr skáldaspillir honrando a Haakon Sigurdsson y sus ancestros, fechada hacia finales del siglo X. El poema solo permanece parcialmente conservado en diferentes secciones de Skáldskaparmál, Heimskringla y otros dos… … Wikipedia Español
Sæmingr — was a king of Norway according to Snorri Sturluson s euhemerized accounts. He was said to be the son of Odin or Yngvi Freyr.According to the prologue of the Prose Edda , Sæmingr was one of the sons of Odin and the ancestor of the kings of Norway… … Wikipedia
Sæming — o Sæmingr fue un rey legendario de Noruega según la obra del escaldo islandés Snorri Sturluson. Según la Edda prosaica, Sæmingr era uno de los hijos de Odín, el patriarca del panteón nórdico y primer ancestro de los reyes noruegos y los jarls de… … Wikipedia Español
Scandinavia — This article is about Scandinavia as a cultural, historical and ethno linguistic region. For the peninsula, see Scandinavian Peninsula. For the broader group of Nordic countries, see Nordic countries. For other uses, see Scandinavia… … Wikipedia
Beli (Norse giant) — In Norse mythology Beli is probably a giant. He was killed by Freyr.In scaldic and Eddic poetry, Freyr is sometimes called Beli s enemy ( Belja dólgr , in Eyvindr skáldaspillir s Háleygjatal , 3) or Beli s slayer ( bani Belja in Völuspá , 53).… … Wikipedia
Skald — For other uses, see Skald (disambiguation). Bersi Skáldtorfuson composing poetry while in chains after being captured by King Óláfr Haraldsson. The skald was a member of a group of poets, whose courtly poetry (Icelandic: dróttkvæði) is associated … Wikipedia
Sons of Odin — Various gods and men appear as Sons of Odin or Sons of Woden in old Old Norse and Old English texts.Thor, Baldur, and VáliOnly three gods, Thor, Baldur, and Váli/Bous, are explicitly identified as sons of Odin in the Eddic poems, in the skaldic… … Wikipedia
Jorund — or Jörundr (5th century) was a Swedish king of the House of Yngling. He was the son of Yngvi, and he had reclaimed the throne of Sweden for his dynasty from Haki (the brother of Hagbard, the hero of the legend of Hagbard and Signy, and it should… … Wikipedia
Sigar — The name Sigar can refer to three people in Scandinavian mythology, surrounding the legends of Sigurd the dragon slayer. One of them only appears as the friend of Helgi Hjörvarðsson in the eddic lay Helgakviða Hjörvarðssonar . The other two… … Wikipedia
Hagbard — Hagbard, the brother of Haki and son of Hamund, was a famous Scandinavian sea king, in Norse mythology. He is mentioned in Skáldskaparmál , Ynglinga saga , Nafnaþulur , Völsunga saga and Gesta Danorum . The heroes connections with other legendary … Wikipedia