- Hypoglossal canal
Infobox Bone
Name = Hypoglossal canal
Latin = canalis nervi hypoglossi
GraySubject = 31
GrayPage = 131
Caption =Occipital bone . Inner surface.
Caption2 =
System =
MeshName =
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DorlandsPre = c_04
DorlandsSuf = 12208711
The hypoglossal canal is a bony canal in theoccipital bone of theskull .Anatomy
It transmits the
hypoglossal nerve from its point of entry near themedulla oblongata to its exit from the base of the skull near thejugular foramen . It lies in the epiphyseal junction between the basiocciput and the jugular process of the occipital bone.Theorized role in speech
The hypoglossal canal has recently been used to try to determine the antiquity of human speech. Researchers have found that hominids who lived as long as 2 million years ago had the same size canal as that of modern day chimpanzees, some scientists thus assume they were incapable of speech. However, archaric H. sapiens 400,000 years ago had the same size canal as that of modern humans, meaning they could have been capable of speech. Some Neanderthals also had the same size hypoglossal canal as archaic H. sapiens. However recent studies involving several primate species have given inconclusive results as to whether there is any association between its size and speech [ [http://www.berkeley.edu/news/berkeleyan/1999/0224/talk.html 02.24.99 - Graduate Students Discredit Theory that Neanderthals Could Talk ] ] .
External links
* (NormanAnatomyFig|XII)
* [http://www.uwo.ca/cns/resident/pocketbook/pictures/skullbase.jpgImage at uwo.ca]
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