I vitelloni

I vitelloni

name = I vitelloni

caption = Italian theatrical poster
director = Federico Fellini
producer = Jacques Bar
Mario De Vecchi
Lorenzo Pegoraro
writer = Screenplay:
Federico Fellini
Ennio Flaiano
Ennio Flaiano
Tullio Pinelli
Federico Fellini
starring = Franco Interlenghi
Alberto Sordi
Franco Fabrizi
Leopoldo Trieste
Riccardo Fellini
music = Nino Rota
cinematography = Carlo Carlini
Otello Martelli
Luciano Trasatti
editing = Rolando Benedetti
distributor = Janus Films
released = August 26 1953
(Premiere at Venice)
runtime = 103 minutes
country = Italy
language = Italian
amg_id = 1:24147
imdb_id = 0046521

"I vitelloni" (1953) is an Italian and French comedy drama film directed by Federico Fellini. The plot was initially written by Ennio Flaiano and was based on the life of a group of young men in Pescara (Flaiano's hometown). Fellini decided to adapt the plot of the movie in his hometown of Rimini that, like Pescara, is a small coastal town on the Adriatic Sea. [imdb title|id=0046521|title=I vitelloni]

The film centers around a group of five young men in the small town: skirt chaser Fausto, intellectual Leopoldo, child-like Alberto, thoughtful and mature Moraldo, and background player Riccardo.

This was Federico Fellini's first successful motion picture after the critical and commercial flop of his second film "The White Sheik" (1952). It also brought Alberto Sordi to fame, who had suffered from his title role in "The White Sheik".


The film opens with a beach-side beauty pageant. The winner, Sandra (Leonora Ruffo), suddenly becomes upset and faints, and it is revealed that she is pregnant. The father is skirt chaser Fausto (Franco Fabrizi), who, under pressure from his father, has little choice other than to marry her. After the wedding and honeymoon, Fausto gets a job and settles down with Sandra.

He cannot give up his old ways, though, and constantly pursues other women, sometimes even in his wife's presence. She eventually gets fed up with this and takes the baby and runs away.

Fausto and the other guys go on a desperate search across the countryside for her. In the end, Fausto is reunited with his wife and child, and all is well.

As this is going on, the other members of the group are involved in various other activities, mostly involving partying and women.


At the end of the film, when Moraldo is saying good-bye to the young boy from the train, his line, "Good-bye, Guido" is actually the dubbed voice of Fellini. It is believed that he did this to emphasize the fact that the film was autobiographical.

Fellini had to fight with the producers in order to cast Alberto Sordi in this film. After "The White Sheik" it was believed that the general public had no interest in this actor, and that his face on the posters would be bad for ticket sales. Fellini also had to fight with Alberto Sordi himself since the actor had decided to leave movies altogether and pursue his stage career instead. After "I vitelloni" was released the audience fell in love with his performance and from there began the career of one of post-war Italy's most significant and popular comedians.


The film's title literally translates into "big calves," this is in reference to the protagonists of the film who, although thirty-somethings, and therefore old enough to be considered "ox," still haven't settled down nor found a job nor have any intention of doing so, and therefore still act like very old (or "big") "calves," hence the name." [ [http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2003/12/12/DDGQ63KS1U1.DTL LaSalle, Mick] . "San Francisco Chronicle," film review, pages I-5, December 12, 2003.]

Yet, LaSalle's declaratory definition is misleading especially when the word 'vitelloni' does not "literally translate into 'big calves'" but instead into 'big intestine.' The origin of the film's title is to be found in a 1971 letter by Ennio Flaiano who co-wrote the screenplay with Fellini and Tullio Pinelli. Flaiano wrote, "I believe the term is a corruption of the word 'vudellone', the big intestine, or a person who eats a lot. It was a way of describing the family son who only ate but never 'produced' - like an intestine, waiting to be filled." [Cited in Tullio Kezich, "Fellini: His Life and Work", Faber and Faber: 2006, p. 132.] This definition by Flaiano was confirmed by Tullio Pinelli in a 2001 filmed research interview for the documentary, "" (2002). Pinelli explains that the "dialectical neologism 'vitellone' was based on 'vudellone' which meant a 'large intestine' in Pescara, Flaiano's hometown." [Quoted from an interview by critic Jean-Max Méjean with the film's Canadian director, Damian Pettigrew in the July 2003 issue of "CinéLibre". (Paris).]


* Franco Interlenghi as Moraldo Rubini
* Alberto Sordi as Alberto
* Franco Fabrizi as Fausto Moretti
* Leopoldo Trieste as Leopoldo Vannucci
* Riccardo Fellini as Riccardo
* Leonora Ruffo as Sandra Rubini
* Jean Brochard as Il signore Francesco Moretti, padre di Fausto
* Claude Farell as Olga, sorella di Alberto
* Carlo Romano as Il signore Michele Curti
* Enrico Viarisio as Il signore Rubini, padre di Moraldo e Sandra
* Paola Borboni as La signora Rubini, madre di Moraldo e Sandra
* Lída Baarová as La signora Giulia Curti
* Arlette Sauvage as La sconosciuta del cinema
* Vira Silenti as Gisella, la 'cinesina'
* Maja Nipora as Caterina, la soubrette

Critical reception

When the film was re-released in 2003 a slew of critics once again reviewed the film. Mick LaSalle, who writes for the "San Francisco Chronicle", said, "It's a film of sensitivity, observation and humor - a must-see for Fellini enthusiasts and a worthwhile investment for everyone else. Those less taken by the maestro may find "I vitelloni" to be a favorite among his works." [LaSalle, Mick. Ibid.]

The "Chicago Tribune"'s critic Michael Wilmington was happy the film had been re-released, and wrote, "In Italy, this remains one of Fellini's most consistently loved movies. It should be in America as well - a mistake one hopes will be rectified by the newly restored re-release by Kino International opening Friday at the Music Box. If you still remember that terrific drunk scene, Alberto Sordi's pre-"Some Like It Hot" drag tango or the way the little boy balances on the train track at the end, you should know that this picture plays as strongly now as it did in 1956 or whenever you first saw it. I know I had a ball watching "I vitelloni" again. It reminded me of the old gang." [ [http://metromix.chicagotribune.com/movies/mmx-040219-movies-review-mw-ivitelloni,0,5251383.story Wilmington, Michael] . "The Chicago Tribune," film review, 2003.]


The film was first presented at the Venice Film Festival on August 26, 1953. It opened wide in the country on September 17, 1953. In France it opened on April 23, 1954.

In the United States it opened wide on November 7, 1956. The picture was re-released in various countries in mid 2003.


* Venice Film Festival: Silver Lion; Federico Fellini; 1953.
* Italian National Syndicate of Film Journalists: Silver Ribbon; Best Director, Federico Fellini; Best Producer; Best Supporting Actor, Alberto Sordi; 1954.

* Venice Film Festival: Golden Lion; Federico Fellini; 1953.
* Academy Awards: Oscar; Best Writing, Story and Screenplay - Written Directly for the Screen, Federico Fellini (screenplay/story), Ennio Flaiano (screenplay/story) and Tullio Pinelli (story); 1958.



External links

* [http://www.criterion.com/asp/release.asp?id=246&eid=370&section=essay "I vitelloni"] essay at the Criterion Collection by Tom Piazza

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