- 1915 locust plague
Infobox generic
color = orange
name = 1915 locust plague|
img1 = Locust from the plague in Palestine, 1915.jpg
width1 = 200px
cap1 = Locust from the 1915 plague|
lbl1 = Date
row1 =1915
lbl2 = Location:
row2 =Palestine
lbl3 = Effect:
row3 = Higher food prices, starvationThe 1915 locust plague, which lasted from March to October1915 , was a plague oflocust s that stripped areas in and aroundPalestine of almost allvegetation . This invasion of awesome proportions seriously compromised the already-depletedfood supply of the region and sharpened the misery of allJerusalem ites.cite web|url=http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/americancolony/amcolony-locust.html|title=THE LOCUST PLAGUE|publisher=Library of Congress|language=English|accessdate=2008-08-05]The plague resulted in several increases to the price of food. On April 25, 1915, the New York Times described the price increases. "Flour costs $15 a sack. Potatoes are six times the ordinary price Sugar and petroleum are unprocurable and money has ceased to circulate. [cite news|url=http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=9D06E4DE1338E633A25750C2A9629C946496D6CF|title=Distress in Jerusalem|date=1915-04-23|publisher=New York Times|language=English|accessdate=2008-08-05]
Djemal Pasha , who was the Supreme Commander of Syria and Arabia at the time of the locust plague, launched a campaign to limit the devastation of the incident.. He appointed an official to fight the plague of locusts.cite web|url=http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=9F05E4DB153BE233A25752C2A9679D946496D6CF|title=REMARKABLE DETAILS FROM AMERICAN CONSUL ON PALESTINE LOCUST PLAGUE|publisher=New York Times|language=English|accessdate=2008-08-05]Some people believed that prayer and petition were required to end the plague, as they viewed the swarm of locusts as a punishment from God for their sins. [cite web|url=http://www.aishdas.org/toratemet/en_bo.html|title=Did the prophet Yoel contradict the Torah?|last=Student|first=Gil|date=2002-01-20|publisher=aishdas.org|language=English|accessdate=2008-08-05] cite web|url=http://lamed.blogspot.com/2004/11/plague-approacheth.html#comments|title=The Plague Approacheth|date=2004-11-21|publisher=Lamed|language=English|accessdate=2008-08-05] Rav A.M. Luntz, who observed the development of the plague said that "...
Badatz decreed that on the following day there should be a Taanit Tzibbur and the whole day should be one of selichot, prayer and petition. After a few days the locusts left the Land... "Regulations
Midhat Bay, who was the official appointed to fight the plague, helped enact a law which required every male between aged 15 and 60 in cities to collect 20 kilograms of locust eggs or pay a fine of £4.40. The "New York Times" reported that this law was strictly enforced. They said that people who failed to follow the law risked having their businesses closed. Eight hundred people had payed the fine by November 21, 1915.
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