

The trudgen is a swimming stroke sometimes known as the "racing stroke", or the "East Indian stroke". It is named after the English swimmer John Trudgen (18521902) [New Oxford American Dictionary (Apple OEM implementation) Oxford University Press.] .

One swims mostly upon one side, making an overhand movement, lifting the arms alternately out of the water. When the left arm is above the head, the legs spread apart for a kick; as the left arm comes down the legs extend and are then brought together with a sharp scissor kick. The right arm is now brought forward over the water, and as it comes down the left arm is extended again. The scissor kick comes every second stroke; it involves spreading the legs, then bringing them together with a sudden "snap" movement.

The swimmer's face is underwater most of the time; the only chance to breathe is when the hand is coming back and just as the elbow passes the face.

This stroke has been developed into the front crawl.


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  • trudgen — /truj euhn/, n. Swimming. a stroke in which a double overarm motion and a scissors kick are used. Also called trudgen stroke. [1890 95; named after John Trudgen (1852 1902), British swimmer] * * * …   Universalium

  • trudgen — trud·gen s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} TS sport non com., stile di nuoto in cui le gambe si muovono a forbice e le braccia in modo simile al crawl {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1935. ETIMO: da Trudgen, nome del capitano di marina statunitense John… …   Dizionario italiano

  • trudgen — [ trʌdʒ(ə)n] noun a swimming stroke like the crawl with a scissors movement of the legs. Origin C19: named after the English swimmer John Trudgen …   English new terms dictionary

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  • trudgen — n. a swimming stroke like the crawl with a scissors movement of the legs. Etymology: J. Trudgen, 19th c. English swimmer …   Useful english dictionary

  • Trudgen stroke — Trudg en stroke (Swimming) A racing stroke in which a double over arm motion is used; so called from its use by an amateur named Trudgen, but often erroneously written {trudgeon}. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • trudgen stroke — [truj′ən] n. 〚after J. Trudgen, Eng amateur who introduced it (1868)〛 a swimming stroke in which a double overarm motion and a scissors kick are used * * * …   Universalium

  • trudgen stroke — [truj′ən] n. [after J. Trudgen, Eng amateur who introduced it (1868)] a swimming stroke in which a double overarm motion and a scissors kick are used …   English World dictionary

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