Hungarian zs

Hungarian zs

Zs is a digraph of the Latin alphabet, used in Hungarian.

Linguistics & Pronunciation

"Zs" is the last (forty-fourth) letter of the Hungarian alphabet. Its name is "zsé" and represents IPA|/ʒ/, a voiced postalveolar fricative.Its sound is similar to J in "Jaques" and z in "azure".


It is only used this way in Hungarian. In Hungarian, even if two characters are put together to make a different sound, they are considered one letter, and acronyms keep the letter intact.


:These examples are Hungarian words that use the letter zs, with the English translation following.

* rózsa = "rose"
* zseb = "pocket"
*zsír = "fat"
*zsoké = "jockey"
*zsűri = "jury"

See also

* Hungarian alphabet

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