- Flaochad
Flaochad or Flaochat was the
mayor of the palace ofBurgundy from 639 to 642. He was appointed byNanthild , thequeen mother , who gave him her niece, Ragnobert, in marriage. She called together the chief magnates and bishops of the kingdom atOrléans and he was acclaimed mayor.The Burgundian
patrician Willibad had a long-running feud with Flaochad when the latter was appointed mayor. [Wallace-Hadrill, 77.] Flaochad immediately set out to destroy Willibad. At a court atChalon , Flaochad tried to assassinate him, but, failing, instead left his palace to challenge him to a duel, which Flaochad's brother Amalbert prevented from happening.Finally Flaochad convinced
Clovis II to hold a court nearAutun and summon Willibad. The two Burgundian magnates met in battle and Willibad was killed. Flaochad only survived him eleven days, dying of a fever. According toFredegar , who seems to have been personally interested in this event, the last which he recorded, both were the victims of divine judgement, for they had sworn friendship in holy places and had subsequently despoiled land to enrich themselves and made war on each other. [Ibid, 93.]Flaochad is the last mayor in Burgundy independent of
Neustria . Upon his death,Erchinoald of Neustria became mayor.Notes
*Geary, Patrick J. "Before France and Germany". Oxford University Press: 1988.
*Wallace-Hadrill, J. M. "The Long-Haired Kings and other Studies in Frankish History". Butler & Tanner Ltd: London, 1962.
*Lewis, Archibald R. " [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0038-7134%28197607%2951%3A3%3C381%3ATDITRF%3E2.0.CO%3B2-8 The Dukes in the Regnum Francorum, A.D. 550-751.] " "Speculum", Vol. LI, No. 3. July, 1976. pp 381 – 410.
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