Fire Fan

Fire Fan

A fire fan is a Fan (implement), typically made with three to six vanes tipped with torches. Each fan is approximately 0,5 to 1 meter wide.cite web
url =
title = Fire fans
accessdate = 2007-09-01
author = Fire By Riz
] They are used for fire dancing.

Fire fans are not as popular as other props such as fire poi or fire staff, and are more dance-oriented. Poi and staff tend to be more juggling-oriented.

Two fire fans are held, one in each hand and swung around the body, creating patterns of fire.

Types of fans

For wicking, fans typically either have discrete torches on the end of each vane or a band of wicking running in an arc across the tips of the vanes. cite video
people = Sandi Sass
year = 2006
date = Mach 18
title = sass fire-fan-dance
url =
publisher = Youtube
accessdate = 2007-09-02
accessmonth= september
accessyear = 2007
] In terms of construction, some hinge at the base (much like a traditional handheld fan), others are permanently in an open position.

Some are constructed with intricate patterns in their framework, but this is mostly ornamental as only the fire can be seen clearly when in use.

External links

* [ Gallery of fire fan dancing]
* [ Flickr pictures tagged with firefan]


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