

name = "Parula"

image_width = 240px
image_caption = Northern Parula
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Passeriformes
familia = Parulidae
genus = " Parula"
genus_authority = Bonaparte, 1838
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = "P. gutturalis "
"P. superciliosa "
"P. americana "
"P. pitiayumi"

"Parula" is a small genus of New World warblers which breed in North and South America.

In 1758, Linnaeus classified the Northern Parula as a tit, "Parus americanus", and as taxonomy developed the genus name was modified first to "Parulus" and then the current form. The family name, Parulidae, of course also derives form this source.

The four species are:
* Flame-throated Warbler, "Parula gutturalis"
* Crescent-chested Warbler, "Parula superciliosa"
* Northern Parula, "Parula americana"
* Tropical Parula, "Parula pitiayumi"

The first two of these are sometimes placed in the genus "Vermivora". The two named as parulas are very closely related and form a superspecies.

These birds are mainly resident breeders except for the Northern Parula which winters south of its breeding ranges in Central America and the West Indies.

"Parula" warblers are tiny, 11-12 cm long. They have yellow, orange or red throats, with the colour extending further down the underparts in some species. The upperparts and wings are various shades of grey or blue-grey, and the mantle is greener or blacker than the rest of the back.

The breeding habitat is woodlands with clearings. These warblers nest low in a tree or on the ground, laying 3-7 eggs in a cup nest.

"Parula" warblers feed on insects and spiders, often caught by flycatching, and they have distinctive buzzing songs and loud "chip" calls.


* "New World Warblers" by Curson, Quinn and Beadle, ISBN 0-7136-3932-6
*cite book
last = ffrench
first = Richard
title = A Guide to the Birds of Trinidad and Tobago
edition = 2nd edition
year = 1991
publisher = Comstock Publishing
isbn = 0-8014-9792-2

*cite book
last = Hilty
first = Steven L
title = Birds of Venezuela
publisher = Christopher Helm
date = 2003
location = London
isbn = 0-7136-6418-5

* [] for derivation
* [ Merriam Webster dictionary] for derivation

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