Emma Nixon

Emma Nixon

Emma Nixon is an English glamour model and Penthouse Pet. She has modelled for adult magazines such as Penthouse, Escort and Fiesta. She was quite well known for her modelling work during the 1990s, and was often photographed by Suze Randall. She is now working as a make-up artist and cosmetic designer. [ [http://www.lasvegasweekly.com/departments/06_16_99/news_pam.html] Dead link|date=September 2008]


* Penthouse (February 1995)

Filmography (Starring)

* California Wild Cats: Dirty Water [ [http://californiawildcats.com/dirty.htm Dirty Water ] ]
* Electric Blue: Sex Model File #2 (1994)
* Electric Blue 39: In the Pink (1992) [ [http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/search-handle-form/203-0528823-9938313] Dead link|date=March 2008]

Filmography (Other)

* VIP (makeup for Pamela Anderson) [ja icon [http://markamtv.hp.infoseek.co.jp/vip2.html VIP Season 2 ] ]
* Erotic Eye (1995) (makeup artist)
* Jenna Jameson: My Plaything (2001) (makeup artist)


Emma has also used the following aliases:
* Drew


* Date of Birth
* Nationality: British
* Ethnicity: Caucasian
* Hair: Brunette
* Eyes: Blue
* Emma was Penthouse pet of the month in February 1995



External links


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