

name = "Stethacanthus"

image_caption = "Stethacanthus productus".
image_width = 260px
fossil_range = Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Chondrichthyes
subclassis = Elasmobranchii
ordo = Symmoriida
familia = Stethacanthidae
genus = "Stethacanthus"
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision ="S. altonensis"
"S. productus"
"S. praecursor"
"S. mirabilis"
"S. resistens"
"S. thomasi"

"Stethacanthus" is an extinct genus of shark which lived in the Late Devonian and Early Carboniferous epochs, around 360 million years ago. The creature was almost one meter long. It probably hunted smaller creatures such as small fish.

"Stethacanthus" is best known for its unusually shaped dorsal fin, which resembles an anvil or ironing board. Small spikes (enlarged versions of the dermal denticles commonly covering shark skin) covered this crest, and the shark's head as well. Some scientists think the crest may have had a function in courtship; others think it may have been used for self defense.

In popular culture

* In the 2003 TV documentary "Sea Monsters", a spin-off from the 1999 series "Walking with Dinosaurs", a "Stethacanthus" was briefly shown circling a large shark cage before being scared away by a much larger "Dunkleosteus". It reappeared in the 2005 prequel series "Walking With Monsters", chasing a "Hynerpeton", only to be eaten by a "Hyneria".
* "Stethacanthus" was featured in "Paleoworld", Episode 5 as the first hunting shark, yet prey for predators like the "Rhizodont".



* Haines, Tim & Chambers, Paul. (2006) "The Complete Guide to Prehistoric Life". Canada: Firefly Books Ltd.
* []

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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