B-sidor 95–00

B-sidor 95–00

Infobox Album
Name = B-sidor 95–00
Type = Compilation
Artist = Kent

Released = 2000
Recorded = Between 1995 and 2000
Genre = Pop, Rock, Indie
Length = 118:59
Label = BMG
Producers = Kent, Zed, Martin "Nåid" Landquist, Martin von Schmalensee, Nille Perned, Heikki Kiviaho, Magnus Frykberg
Reviews =
Last album = "Hagnesta Hill"
This album = "B-sidor 95–00"
Next album = "Vapen & ammunition"

"B-Sidor 95–00" is a B-side collection by the Swedish rock band Kent.

It was released in 2000 and features two new songs, "Chans" and "Spökstad". The former was also released as a single. "Rödljus II" and "En helt ny karriär II" are new recordings of the original ones. Hidden track "Papin jahti" is an improvisation where the band's drummer Markus sings in Finnish.

Track listing

Disc one

#"Chans" Chance
#"Spökstad" Ghost Town
#"Längtan skala 3:1" Longing Scale 3:1
#"Om gyllene år" About Golden Years
#"Noll" Zero
#"Önskar att någon..." (I) Wish That Someone...
#"Bas riff" Bass Riff
#"Din skugga" Your Shadow
#"Elever" Students
#"Längesen vi sågs" Long Time No See (Title of an Ed McBain Novel)
#"Utan dina andetag" Without Your Breath
#"På nära håll" Close at Hand

Disc two

#"Livrädd med stil" Terrified with Style
#"Verkligen" Really
#"Gummiband" Rubber Band
#"Att presentera ett svin" To Present a Pig
#"En helt ny karriär" A Totally New Career
#"Rödljus" Red Lights
#"Pojken med hålet i handen (Hotbilds version)" The Boy with the Hole in the Hand (Hotbild's Version)
#"Kallt kaffe" Cold Coffee
#"Den osynlige mannen (Kazoo version)" The Invisible Man (Kazoo Version)
#"Slutsats" Conclusion
#"Rödljus II" Red Lights II
#"En helt ny karriär II" A Totally New Career II
#"Papin jahti" (Hidden track) The Priest's Hunt (In Finnish)

Audio sample

Listen|filename=Kent - Chans.ogg
title="Chans" (2000)
description= Sample of track 1 on disc one, "Chans".

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