- Authentic Labor Front
Infobox Union|
name= FAT
full_name= Frente Auténtico del Trabajo
office=Mexican Federal District
website= [http://www.fatmexico.org www.fatmexico.org]
affiliation= Independent ConfederationThe Authentic Labor Front (Spanish: Frente Auténtico del Trabajo or FAT) is an independent confederation of labor unions inMexico . It was formed as a progressive "Social Catholic" organization in 1960 in response to the nation's labor strife of 1958-1959. Following the strikes of these years, the Mexican government replaced the leaders of the rebellious mine, railroad and oil workers' unions with charros (corrupt labor bosses). The FAT supported union democracy and opposed the authoritarian tendencies of the rulingInstitutional Revolutionary Party (PRI). FAT activists have also challenged the mainstreamConfederation of Mexican Workers (CTM).The FAT was influenced by the student movements of the late 1960s and the
Tlatelolco Massacre of 1968. In the following years, the FAT's political orientation became more left-wing. It engaged in therank-and-file union reform campaigns of the 1970s and 1980s that occurred in the steelworkers, auto workers, and electrical workers unions.Following the implementation of the
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1994, the FAT became one of the main organizations to oppose the neoliberal reform. The FAT has participated in international "cross-border solidarity" campaigns with other unions such as the United Electrical Workers of the United States and theUnited Steelworkers in Canada. It has also engaged in othersocial justice initiatives, such as campaigns around women's rights. Though independent from any political party, the FAT tends to side with the left-wingParty of the Democratic Revolution (PRD).External links
*es icon [http://www.fatmexico.org/ Official web site]
*en icon [http://www.ueinternational.org/SolidarityWork/fat.html UE-FAT web site]Further reading
*en icon [http://www.fatmexico.org/historia/Mexico%27s%20fat_hathaway.doc History of the FAT] (MS Word, English, from the FAT website)
*Hathaway, Dale, "Allies Across the Border: Mexico's "Authentic Labor Front" and Global Solidarity", South End Press, 2000, hardcover, ISBN 0-89608-633-X; paperback, ISBN 0-89608-632-1
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.