Afghan blanket

Afghan blanket

An Afghan is a blanket, wrap, or shawl of colored wool, knitted or crocheted in geometric shapes. In North American craft tradition, Afghans are handcrafted blankets of various sizes to be draped over sofas or large chairs for decoration, and sometimes used for napping or warmth. Afghan blankets are normally homemade or gifted items and are rarely sold commercially.

There are many different designs and kinds of afghans and three main types: Mile-a-Minute afghans, join as you go afghans, and motif afghans. Mile-a-Minute afghans are usually (though not always) made in one piece and with a minimum of stitches. They are the simplest and easiest to make and are especially popular with beginners. Join as you go afghans are made up of many different pieces, often with one piece begun where the other leaves off. Motif afghans, such as the granny square, are comprised of many different small pieces, often called motifs, squares or blocks. These motifs or blocks may be all of the same design or all of different designs but are almost always the same size for ease of joining. This method of making afghans is preferred by many because of its portability and versatility of design.

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  • Afghan — Af ghan, n. 1. A native of Afghanistan. [1913 Webster] 2. A kind of worsted blanket or wrap. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Afghan — n. & adj. n. 1 a a native or national of Afghanistan. b a person of Afghan descent. 2 the official language of Afghanistan (also called PASHTO). 3 (afghan) a knitted and sewn woollen blanket or shawl. 4 (in full Afghan coat) a kind of sheepskin… …   Useful english dictionary

  • afghan — n. & adj. n. 1 a a native or national of Afghanistan. b a person of Afghan descent. 2 the official language of Afghanistan (also called PASHTO). 3 (afghan) a knitted and sewn woollen blanket or shawl. 4 (in full Afghan coat) a kind of sheepskin… …   Useful english dictionary

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