ETD may refer to the following:
*electron transfer dissociation, a method to fragment charged molecules in a mass spectrometer in order to obtain structural information
*Electronic Theses and Dissertations, the practice of publishing academic works digitally.
*Etihad Airways, a national airline based in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, operating routes to the Middle East, Europe, Asia, the Indian subcontinent and North America.
*explosives trace detector or "explosive trace detection"
*In the supply chain management it means Estimated Time of Dispatch (when the goods leave the factory), in contrast to ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) - when the goods arrive to the final destination.
*Exchange Traded Derivatives, see Derivative (finance)
*"Estimated Time of Departure" in civil aviation
*The slang term, "estimated time of dinner"
*Eustachian Tube Dysfunction
*Elect The Dead, a solo album from System of a Down's vocalist Serj Tankian

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